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My name is Uli Sprenglewski, and I’m happy to introduce myself to you. Please find some information about me on this site. The informations here are a small overview about my career and life in tennis.
- DTB – A – Level Coach / highest license in Germany since 1996
- Head coach of Iphitos Tennis Academy (until 2024)
- Sports director of MTTC Iphitos (until 2024)
- Travelling Coach for several ITF junior players, WTA and ATP Players (until today)
- Coaching DTB Junior Davis Cup Team 2006, 2007
Further information
- DTB – German Tennis Federation
Currently I’m located in Munich, Germany, and I’m working with the qualification DTB – A – Level Coach, which is the highest qualification in Germany, as coach of ITF Junior players and ATP players and some Junior players, who try to reach best national and international level. I’m part of the strategy team of the German Tennis Federation DTB. In 2022 I received the Coaches Award from the German Tennis Federation DTB for outstanding achievements for German tennis.
Thank you for finding me on this site. If you need further informations please contact me via telephone or mail. I will be happy to answer your questions.
Uli Sprenglewski
- Until now: Coaching WTA, ATP, ITF Players on Tour tournaments and Grand Slams (I.e. G. Garcia Perez, WTA 120; Marko Topo ATP 340, Claudine Schaul, WTA 40 etc.)
- 2008 – 2024 Head Coach and Sports Director Iphitos Tennis Academy
- 2022 German Tennis Federation Award for outstanding achievements in German tennis
- 2022 Part of the Coaching Team of the FED – Cup Team Spain
- 2001 – 2008 Head Coach under 14 juniors Tennisverband Rheinland / Part of German tennis Federation
- 1999 – 2001 Coach of several ITF Players in Luxembourg for the Comité Olympique et Sportif Luxembourgeois
- 1991- 1999 Assistant Coach of the Saarländischer Tennis Bund, a regional federation and part of the German Tennis Federation DTB
In my positions I was responsible for Coaching, training of different levels, communications with parents, federations and managements and furthermore controlling of budgets, coaching Bundesliga (first and second division) in Germany. Lecturing and performing on International and national further educations for national associations. In my position as Sports director in MTTC Iphitos I was responsible for 12 employed coaches, their planning and further education.
Coach Junior Davis Cup Team
German Tennis Federation
Head Coach under 14
Tennisverband Rheinland / German Tennis Federation
Head Coach and Sports Director
Head coach Iphitos Tennis Academy Munich
Private coach ITF, ATP Tour
Marko Topo, ATP 340
Private Coach WTA Tour
Claudine Schaul WTA 40, Georgina Garcia Perez WTA 121
Part of the Coaches Team
FED Cup Team Spain