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Denzil Cook - Tennis Coach

United Arab Emirates

Hi I am Coach Denzil, I have been playing, studying and teaching the beautiful game of tennis for more that 35yrs. For me to be able to combine my two favourite things being teaching and tennis is truly a great blessing. I strive daily to improve both myself and my players physically, technically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Playing and coaching locally and internationally my whole life has given me purpose.


  • S.A.T.A Beginners Tennis Coaching Course 1989- attended and achieved a 97% average

  • S.A.T.A Intermediate Tennis Coaching course 1990- attended and achieved 96% average
  • S.A.T.A Advanced Tennis Coaching course 1990- attended and achieved 97% average
  • I.T.F. ‘Play and Stay’ 2012-attended and was first coaching student in history to achieve 100% for theory and 98% for practical


Coaching times & fees

Hi, I am coach Denzil. I am as passionate about both coaching and playing tennis as when I began some 35yrs ago. I study the modern game intensity researching the latest in tennis training, current fitness and performance nutrition trends. I have an eight year old daughter who means the world to me and my application for international opportunities is fueled by me wanting to provide my daughter with the best life possible. I am a self-motivated leader and I can’t wait to further my tennis journey in a space that offers long term growth and consistency.


From the age of 8, I received soccer training 6 days a week. I also excelled at athletics competing Nationally in the 800m. I started tennis quite late at the age of 14yrs and trained 3hrs a day against the wall studying training books by Ivan Lendl. To this day Lendl’s methodology and incredible work ethic have shaped both my game and my approach to training.

  1. 1989-1990: Attended Bob Hewitt and Frank Briscoe Tennis Ranch (Johannesburg, SA). This is where my strokes were grooved and my competitive nature was pushed to the max, training 8hrs/day on-court and 2hrs intensive tennis specific off-court workouts daily. This was also the time where I played internationally for Bophuthatswana and travelled to play the Lesotho Open and the Royal Swaziland Open reaching the doubles finals in Lesotho. At 17yrs of age I won the All-Africa under/21 Championships singles title in Cape Town, South Africa.
  2. 1991-1994: Competed in France, Belgium and Spain winning 8 doubles and 2 singles titles attaining a French national ranking of -15. During this time I was coaching privately and assisting the ITF with junior development at Rolland Garros.
  3. 1996-1998: Worked as the Head Tennis Coach at the Glen Country Club in Clifton, South Africa. Teaching all levels and age groups offering private lessons, squads and holiday clinics
  4. 1999-2005: Worked as the Director of Junior Tennis development at Fish Hoek Tennis Club, SA. I was also the founder of ‘For the Kids’ program focusing on training underprivileged children many of whom went to the US and Australia on full tennis scholarships.
  5. 2005-present: Founder and owner of ‘Game Set Match Tennis’. During this time I have been training top South African juniors preparing them for potential scholarships and international competition. Worked as a independent contractor for Curro High, Durbanville High School, Paarl Gymnasium High School with numerous kids now attending University in the US on scholarships.



Denzil coached and played with me for over 3yrs. He is a passionate, consumate professional who is a true student of the modern game. He is a great communicator and his passion for teaching and tennis is undeniable. I believe that he would be an asset to any tennis environment as he always is. Regards Stanford Boster

Stanford Boster: Founder and owner Boster Sports, Stanford@bostersports.com tel: +15618096160


Denzil worked as acting Head Tennis Coach at the Glen Country Club in my absence due to injury. He was always the first to arrive and the last to leave showing true love and commitment for both coaching and tennis. He is a hard working consumate professional who shares his passion for tennis and fitness with anyone he is in contact with. He is able not only able to sustain but also has the ability to grow any tennis setup he gets involved in. His ability to work along side other professionals is impressive yet he is able to self motivate and lead as well. He touched the hearts of all my clients and certainly added value to my business in the two and a half years he was coaching at the Glen Country Club. Yours in sport Grant Williams

Grant Williams: Founder and owner of Tennis and Life Strategies. telephone +6281375389452


Denzil has coached my son Joshua for more than 2yrs making great strides technically, physically and most of all emotionally and mentally. Denzil approach enables Joshua to manage the pressures of competition far better than ever before. The emotional and mental growth Joshua has shown is quite remarkable. Denzil is always on time and extremely trustworthy. I have no doubt that wherever his future lies greatness is inevitable

Alwyn Hattingh: Father of Joshua Hattingh, no.5 under 13 in the region and a future champion +27 82 855 2468


The faster a player”s skill level improves the sooner they have success and the more they enjoy the sport. Few coaches have the ability to really accelerate skill and performance development. Denzil is one of those exceptional coaches. He has spent his life devoted to researching & testing different methodologies to find what produces the best results in fitness & conditioning, nutrition, motor programming, visual proficiency, decision making, training and recovery.I have had the privilege of knowing, mentoring and working with Denzil since 1989. I have seen him hone his skills and have seen the many successes with national and international level players in a multi-cultural environment. Any programme looking to become the best at accelerated development in a high performance environment will be lucky to have him add his expertise.

Dr. Ken West, Performance Scientist+27 74 043 1525 Developed the Performance Science Graduate Programme at Oxford University and has worked with athletes at International Level in 48 sports.