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Eleonora Calderaro
MTM Internationa Caoch – MTM Tennis Teaching Professional Clinician and Tester (Modern Tennis Methodology)
GPTCA International Coach certified ATP (Global Professional Tennis Coaches Association)
AICS Instructor (Italian Association of Culture and Sport)
CSEN National Teacher – (National and Educational Sport Centre)
Tennis Instructor for blind recognised by IBTA (International Blind Tennis Association)
Coaching times & fees
From Monday to Sunday – from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
private lessons 40 Euros
Group lessons 10 Euros per person (max 4-6 people)
Further information
I work as Tennis Teacher at the MTMCA Internationa Tennis Academy situated in Cusago Street 1, Cisliano, a small city near Milan. There are two tennis courts, a swimming pool, a restaurant and a gym.
In the left part of the video, Michele at the beginning of the lesson, in the right part of the video Michele after an hour of MTM (Modern Tennis Methodology).
I started to play tennis at 4 years of age with my father Vincenzo Calderaro, PTR Professional Instructor and FIT Instructor.
At a very young age, I began to compete in FIT (Italian Tennis Federation) tournaments.
In 1994, I won the Italian Team Championship FIT under 12, by the Tennis Club Malaspina in Milan. At the age of 12, I became #1 in my region (Liguria).
As a result, I started to compete in national and international tournaments: in 1995, I placed 2nd in the International tournament of Bibione under 14, in 1996, I won the Italian team championship FIT under 14 and in 1997, I won the Italian team championship FIT division C3. These were important experiences because they formed my character and my mind.
But since I was very young, one of my dreams was teaching, because as I put it, “teaching is not only linked to the knowledge of the subject or to the ability of handing it down, but when you teach, you donate a part of yourself and of your passion to another human being.
For this reason teaching means to be an instructor and at the same time a student, because each athlete can also teach something new to the instructor.”
In addition to the American MTMCA (Modern Tennis Methodology Coach Association) certifications, I obtained a vocational tennis instructor qualification from the AICS (Italian Association of Culture and Sport) in 2009.
In the same year, I started to teach tennis in cooperation with my father. I was both an administrative secretary and instructor for adults and children, and this gave me the opportunity to develop both practical and organizational aspects of tennis coaching.
Then, thanks to this important experience, I realized one of my dreams: the creation of my own tennis school.
In 2011, I joined the Italian Tennis School “Tie Break Team” that operates in several tennis centers in Milan.
There I teach children from 4 years, teenagers and adults at both amateur and competitive levels. I also deals with the public and the organization of tournaments, and am currently studying toward a degree in Languages and Foreign Literature.
I became an MTM Tennis Teaching Professional and than an MTM Tennis Teaching Professional Clinician and Tester.
In September 2012, I have gone to Bettona (PG) to take part in the course to become an International Coach certified ATP.
I have passed the exam and now I’m an International Coach certified ATP of the GPTCA (GLOBAL PROFESSIONAL TENNIS COACH ASSOCIATION), led by the italian president Alberto Castellani, Dirk Hordhoff, Reiner Schuttler and Tony Nadal.
In February 2014 I got certified by CSEN (National and Educational Sport Centre) as National Teacher and then in April 2015 I got certified by TCI (Tennis for blind Italy) as Tennis Instructor for blind and this certification was recognised by IBTA (International Blind Tennis Association).
In these years, I took part in different professional courses such as for exemple “Feldenkrais Approach For Tennis Players”, because I think it’s very important to keep up.
This year I have created the first MTMCA (Modern Tennis Methodology Coach Association ) INTERNATIONAL TENNIS ACADEMY near Milan and since 2014 I became President of MTMCA ITALIA that organise courses to develop MTM (Modern Tennis Methodology) and certify as MTM International Coach all people that like me recognised the power of the Oscar Wegner’s methodology.