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Hello, my name is Florian Rosu, a professional tennis coach from Romania specialising in coaching at all levels and ages. I also speak 5 different languages and am looking for a new role preferably somewhere in Europe.
- Pro Tennis Coach for job From România tennis Federation
- Pro coach all level ages
Coaching times & fees
- Coaching nr 280Itf nr 400 Atp
- Left hand player
- 30years coaching fulltime
- Coaching in România Turcia Egitto Germany Croația Italia
- Very big internațional experience as coach player
Further information
- No member
- Nice and serious man
- Loves working hard
- Love My life
- Proud of my career as a tennis coach
I am looking for job aș Head Coach in Germany, Austria with English speaking, Italy, Spain, Dubai Qatar, Asia Only for a Very good offer as coach HEAD Coach full time…
- Coaching în România Turcia Egitto Germany Croația Italia
- Speak 4 language
- Coaching nr 280Itf nr 400 Atp
- Private coach for nr2 în România – My brother
- Player for liga1 in România Turkya
- For liga2 in Italia Germania
- Lk8 în Germany
- Nr3 with Turkysh club teamPlayOff
- Tennis camp group coach
- 30years coaching fulltime
- Coach for hotels about 10years 5star hotels
Hy Iam Florian pro coach all level ages itf coach 30years coaching fulltime Coaching nr 280Itf nr 400 Atp nr 2un România String raquets yes Driver licence yes From România work inGermany knaw Left hand player Lk8 Germany Coaching în România Turcia Egitto Germany Croația Italia Verry big internațional experience as coach player I wait a New chalange Iam a serios nice man Like hard work Serios Punctual No smoking No alchooll Have nice family Love tennis Love My job...danke Grazie
Tc Milano
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