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Markus Holthaus - Tennis Coach


My name is Markus Holthaus, 57 years young and i am coming from Germany. I am divorced with 2 adult children. I have been fascinated by this sport since i was 5 years old and i am lucky enaugh to turn my passsion into a profession.

After studying at the German Sportuniversity Cologne I founded the Holthaus Tennis Academy in 1998 and managed it till march 24.

Since my children left Cologne i decided to take new paths and combine my job with my second great passion: discovering new countries, people and cultures.

In june 24 then i took on the coaching of an English/Maroccan Junior (Samy Hayes) with a four week training stay in Morocco.

Subsequently i received a contract with the Tennisfoundation Ghana. There i coached several Ghanaians ( Raphael Nortei) and Samy Hayes for six weeks during six ITF tournaments.

In september, the Tennisfoundation Ghana opened the first tennis boarding school in Accra , where i was responsible as the headcoach for developing the sportsprogram.

Since december, I have been back in Germany and am now seeking a new sportschallenge worldwide. I have extensive knowledge and would like to pass on my expertise.

I speak German, English and French without problems.

  • Diplomsportlehrer Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln
  • Deutscher Tennis Bund C Trainer
  • Deutscher Tennis Bund B Trainer
  • Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund A Leistungssporttrainer Tennis
  • Cardio tennis trainer

Coaching times & fees
  • The coaching times were always very different…
  • On average  30 bis 35 h / week is nice
  • For private one-on-one training, I get 65 euros here in Germany

Further information
  • Deutscher Tennisbund
  • Verband Deutscher Tennislehrer
  • Ghana Tennisfoundation

  • I have been interested in sports all my life. I had my first tennis lessonat the age of five, and since then, I have been fascinated by tennis.
  • At sixteen, I played my first Challenger tournaments in Croatia and also started giving my first tennis lessons.
  • After completing my high school diploma and subsequent military service, I began my sports diploma studies at the German Sportuniversity Cologne.
  • I pursued the tennis coach profile there but also gained insights into many other sports (Trainig as an athletics and ski instructor)
  • However, tennis always remained my main focus. My thesis was about psychological training methods in tennis for children and youth.
  • Team competition up to the Bundesliga( 10 years with the Marienburger Sportclub), were regular part of the year.
  • After my studies, I founded the Holthaus Tennisacademy – with fun to sucess- in Bergisch Gladbach.und led it till 2024.
  • In addition to my main base Bergisch Gladbach, I worked as a head coach with my team in several tennis clubs ( Tennisfreunde Forsbach, Tennisclub Wachtberg,
  • Tennisclub Zündorf, Tennisverein Ensen Westhofen, Sportverein Bechen), where i was responsible for scouting and training talents as well as organizing the entire training program.
  • At my peak, up to 1000 players trained weekly with me and my 15-member coaching team.
  • Even in my freetime, sport play a big role alongside traveling. In summer, i enjoy windsurfing, and in the winter, I go skiing. i have finished both the Cologne and
  • Hamburg marathons and also love mountain biking.

Ich würde gerne etwas von meinem breiten Fachwissen weitergeben und dabei auch meine Persönlichkeit weiterentwickeln. Ich liebe fremde Kulturen, habe keine Angst und arbeite stets sehr lösungsorientiert. Nachdem die Kinder jetzt aus dem Haus sind, möchte ich gerne Veränderung. Gerade mein Aufenthalt in Ghana hat mich zu diesem neuen Weg bestärkt. Ich bin Pädagoge und arbeite sehr gerne mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. Hier kommt mir neben meiner Persönlichkeit, meinem pädagogischem Geschick auch mein fundiertes psychologisches Wissen ungemein zu Hilfe.


In my now 27 years as a full-time tennis coach, i have gained a wealth of experience. I have trained everything from single-small groups- to large groups, from age 3 to 80, and from beginners to high performance athletes.

From designing individual training sessions to creating an academy plan or building up a developing tennis-specidic training program for the first tennis boarding school in Ghana, i have also accomplished a lot on the organizational side.