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MC Venter - Tennis Coach

South Africa

I represented South Africa overseas in USA (2014) and was ranked in the top 20 in my age group. I played for my province multiple years and was ranked number 1. Winning multiple tournaments singles and doubles including tournaments for my school.

I was also my schools number 1 player in the team.

For me it was a privileged to compete Nationally and Internationally and through all my experiences playing tournaments and competing I found my love for coaching. I am not only a results-driven, energetic and dynamic tennis professional, with a passion for the game of tennis, but also have a detailed and solid understanding of the sport.

I have the passion to work with and develop young potential stars and have the ability to motivate them to rather focus on performance than outcomes.
I was also the proud co-owner of a medium sized tennis academy in the North-West province which have earned credibility with peers, players and our diverse set of loyal clients.
I have excellent planning, problem solving and communication skills, being an individual that embraces and often drives change.
I will rise to any challenge, with above-average performance, as a direct result of a self-driven and “can-do” mentality.
Sport teaches youngsters life skills which they can apply throughout their lives.
I lead and guide to ensure that my passion for tennis is mirrored in the way I play and coach.
I try to teach and impart my knowledge, and experience, with a genuine interest in my clients’ development, with a focus to grow better as a sportsman, and as a person.


TSA Play and Stay tennis coach

ITF Instructor (level 1) tennis coach

Trifocus ( sports conditioning coach)

Bed Intermediate phase education (In progress)

Coaching times & fees

Please Contact MC

-Via email – mcventer166@icloud.com

-Via WhatsApp on +27 4459 4350.


First team tennis captain and also for provincial teams.

Director of tennis academy.


  • Hard working
  • Honest
  • Ethical
  • Goal-oriented


  • I am an energetic and ambitious person who has developed a mature approach to my work. I am a hard worker, that is very goal-oriented and is always willing to learn more. I have a very big passion for tennis and helping kids grow day by day to their full potential.


Top Notch Tennis Academy (+- 140 kids)

Top Notch Tennis Academy was a tennis academy operating in Potchefstroom, North West province, we offered individual and group coaching services to players aged 6 – 70, including local schools, home schools and clubs.

Co-Owner and Coach ((March 2022 – date)

  • General management of academy;
  • Tournament organization/facilitation/management and logistical arrangements;
  • Coaching of beginners with a clearer focus on more advanced players;
  • Average of 35 individual coaching sessions per week
  • Average of 3 “squad” / group coaching sessions

Travelling Coach

 – TSA Interpro u15 Team

Coach (January 2021 – date)

  • Average of 20 individual coaching sessions per week;
  • Average of 3 “squad” / group coaching sessions per week.

Relocated to Cape Town and started a new tennis academy.(2024- date)

Traveling coach

– Western province team U/12 , U/13 , U/15 and U/19

Traveling coach

– On tour with academy players competing nationally in all types of tournaments.

Worked at a primary school

  • Coaching first team tennis and touring with the teams.


It was such a pleasure to work with MC. He is a great coach and puts so much effort into the kids , believing in them and making their dreams come true. The passion he has for the sport is so amazing , I believe that he is soon going to be one of the top coaches in the world!

Ms. L


MC is a hard worker and has the potential to take students to the next level of playing tennis.He certainly are one of the best coaches out there.

Mr. R