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Nenad Beric - Tennis Coach


Nenad Beric

Professional tennis coach with 18 years of experience, working across diverse age ranges. Specialize in one-on one instruction and excel at making group tennis lessons accessible and fun for various playing levels and abilities. Schedule and training plans are flexible and designed to bolster students existing skills and targets. ITF and PTR certification. Previous clients include Adam Kovac (#1 Serbian player under 18yo, 2019) and Ivana Spasojevic, (Orange Bowl, 2006).

  • PTR Professional JD11-17 Certification, 2022
  • ITF Certification, 2012

Coaching times & fees
  • Please contact Nenad direct via email or WhatsApp.
  • He can be contacted via WhatsApp on +8613018606345
  • Or you can contact him using email on nnenadovic77@gmail.com



  • Strong Organizational, Clear communications and Interpersonal skills
  • Strong Problem Solving
  • Individualized Programs
  • Strategic Planning and Goal-Oriented
  • Safety Awareness
  • Humor and making lessons fun, challenging, and engaging
  • Coordinating activities and multi-tasking
  • Discipline and Time management


03/2022 – Current: Gemdale (HongJindi) Professional Tennis Academy- Tennis Coach, Shenzhen, China

  • Working with high level of tennis players
  • Developing suitable training programs for students based on their age, objectives, and individual skillsets
  • Coordinating and conducting individual and group tennis lessons.
  • Assessing students’ tennis skills to determine areas in need of improvement.
  • Scheduling meetings with students’ parents or guardians to discuss their progress.
  • Mentoring student-athletes
  • Preparing the players for the tournaments. Develop and implement tournaments plan and logistic

07/2016 – 02/2022: MPSC Tennis Academy- Head Coach, Dongguan, China

  • Initiates, directs and promotes tennis clinics, special events and programs in an effort to attract and maintain members’ tennis interests
  • Recruit and hiring new coaches and staff according to the academy/project needs
  • Create and provide training for beginner coaches
  • Organizing sport camps and collaborates with numerous athletic, University units and China Tennis Clubs
  • Observe participants and correct measure necessary for skills improvement
  • Monitor participants’ progress and adapt further programs/improvements as needed
  • Plan tennis lessons according to individuals/groups abilities
  • Teach all skills level of double and single players
  • Preparing the players for the tournaments

06/2014 – 05/2016: Tennis Academy Elite – Tennis Coach Novi Sad, Serbia

  • Guided youths approximately 8-14 years old and 14-18 years old
  • Supervising the training and drill activities of the tennis players and enhancing their health and fitness in order to ensure that they remain in their best forms
  • Scheduled practices for both individual and team enhancement.
  • Observed players during practices and matches
  • Assessed player skills, collaborated with assistant coaches, and assigned positions.
  • Worked as a private coach to under 18 players
  • Tennis coach for recreational programs
  • Modeled exemplary professional behavior

06/2009 – 05/2014: Tennis Club Meridiana – Tennis Coach, Novi Sad, Serbia,

  • Coordinates practice planning, skill development and designs coaching strategies which prepare team for competition
  • Establishes a competitive schedule and coordinates team travel
  • Recruited new players to the teams
  • Observes players, during competition and practice to determine the needs for individual or team improvement
  • Provides guidance to a client on their goals and helps them reach their full potential

09/2005 – 05/2009: Tennis Club Tisa – Founder/Tennis Coach Novi Knezevac, Serbia

  • Founder of tennis school for the beginners in the club
  • Administrated private and group lesson to the club members
  • Increase club rate of participations in lessons by 30% due to positive word -of-mouth
  • Enforces all club rules and regulations governing the use of the club/facility, Monitors court usage including special events, clinics and lessons.


Nenad as a one of the most dedicated and passionate coach had huge influence in my progress and professional achievements. He impressed me with his approach to every single practice, detail, task and goals.Nenad is very demands but fair and polite as well as gives respect to each player. His coaching method is well known and very respected. Nenad is impressive in individual and group coaching keeping all students and situations under control. His advice are very helpful and valuable, both on and off the tennis court.

Adam Kovac - #1 tennis player in Serbia U18(2019) & University of Toledo Athletics, USA-CHAMPION 2023