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Spencer Tennis Academy


Spencer Tennis Academy — located in Düsseldorf, Germany, 5 minutes from the international airport — we are a successful tennis academy, which was established in 1999. We specialise in training players of all standards and all ages. Classes consist of single lessons, group lessons, adult courses and junior camps.

We are looking for a coach to fill a position which has recently opened at our academy.

You would be required to do various types of coaching, see the academy, meet the entire team as well as performing other various duties relating to the academy.

The job is as follows:-

The average working hours are around 30-35 per week. In winter season it could be considerably less and in summer sometimes more. The job requires teaching players of all levels from absolute beginner up until professional level. Our players are aged between 4 to 94. Other duties include stringing rackets, tournament supervision, training club teams as well as other tasks that may arise.

TG Nord Düsseldorf