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Hi my name Is Stefano Pilurzu I\\\\\\\’m 39 years old I started to play tennis at the age of 6 . I reached number 1 in Italy under 12 and got a scholarship as player at Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy where I was training with Maria Sharapova .
As a player I reached top 350 in ITF juniors singles and 200 in doubles and reached serie B in Italy with the team tirumapifort. I have collected experience working as a tennis coach in countries like Costa Rica, Argentina , Uruguay , Spain in Juan Carlos Ferrero Academy and Spencer Tennis Academy in Dusseldorf.
PTR certified Tennis Coach:
- Instructor – 10 & Under
- Instructor – 11 to 17
Coaching times & fees
Stefano is currently available to find an international experience in a club / academy / resort environment…
- He can be contacted via email on:
- Or via WhatsApp on +96596628371
Further information
- Associations PTR
- Play and watch football , listen music ,go to the cinema and spend time with my family.
Passionate playing golf and surf.
Experience working in countries like Costa rica, Argentina , Uruguay , Italy , Spain in Juan Carlos Ferrero and Germany Spencer tennis Academy in Dusseldorf