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Teddy Tennis and Teddy Padel

United Kingdom

Specifically designed for kids aged 2.5-7, Teddy Tennis and Teddy Padel are part of Teddy Sports World: our unique programmes are taught by teachers (and loved by children) in our franchises worldwide. Our aim is to make these sports accessible to even the youngest players, with specially designed equipment made just for little hands, and engaging kids with storytelling, music, pictures and games in a scientifically-backed curriculum. Create new markets and fill schedule gaps, with our accessible and flexible franchise packages.

Engaging kids with pictures, songs, and games helps you to build a feeder programme, build the right foundations for future students, and attract and retain kids of all skill levels.


We’re actively seeking franchisees for Teddy Padel and Teddy Tennis. Specially designed by experts to make tennis and padel accessible to kids aged two and half to seven years old, and part of the global brand Teddy Sports World.

Our custom equipment and unique approach engages kids, elevating the traditional coaching experience by integrating storytelling, music, pictures and games into a scientifically backed curriculum. Get in touch for details of how to join us in our mission to bring the next generation onto the court. 


  • Great feeder programme – and gets your students playing well from the start
  • Attracts (and retains) all kinds of kids, not just the athletically-inclined
  • Take advantage of the incredible rise in padel by opening it up for under-8s
  • Increase revenue by tapping into a whole new demographic
  • Create loyal customers from an earlier age
  • Make coaches’ lives easier with pre-built lesson plans and levels
  • Fill empty courts and gaps in your schedule with off-peak lessons
  • Diversify by teaching in nurseries and schools
  • Widen your hiring criteria; you don’t need fully-certified coaches to teach Teddy
  • Market your lessons to the whole family


  • Accessible pricing model for low-risk entry
  • Totally online system with our comprehensive proprietary software Teddy Connect, for registrations, payments, reports, and all teaching materials
  • Robust and ongoing training programmes
  • Leverage our brand recognition 
  • Deploy our premium marketing materials
  • Stay relevant, stay competitive
  • Minimise competition with exclusive territories
  • Keep quality high with on-demand training
  • Cross-promotion across our brands
  • Boost your brand image 

Teddy Padel

Teddy Padel brings the excitement and family fun of the world’s fastest-growing sports to the under-six age range. With franchises starting operations, it’s our engaging lessons and specially-designed equipment that our first customers are loving. And it’s the valuable access to a previously untapped demographic that’s making our first franchisees happy: Teddy Padel fills courts and timeslots with kids in a way no other programme can.


Teddy Tennis

Teddy Tennis is the ground-breaking programme launched over 20 years ago with the aim of helping young kids learn tennis skills in a way that works for them – no matter their learning style or experience in tennis. With our adorable teddy bear characters, catchy tunes, and fun lessons, our innovative approach is tried and tested, backed by educational theory, adored by kids, and appreciated by our successful franchisees across the world.



Teddy Sports World

Teddy Sports World programmes, including Teddy Tennis and Teddy Padel, offers diverse sports opportunities that develop young kids’ abilities and love for sports. We’re committed to creating accessible sports education platforms where children can thrive on the court and beyond. It’s a system that works, with a team that understands how young kids learn sports skills, and a hugely rewarding business in more ways than just financial.


I wanted a business that was ready to go straight away, I wanted to be out selling classes and delivering lessons not stuck behind a computer creating websites or marketing materials. I'd seen Teddy Tennis lessons in Holland Park and it was clear to see just how engaged the children were because of the music, pictures and teddy tennis characters. And I loved the opportunities for growth that it offered; coaching at a regular club was too restrictive for me. With Teddy Tennis I could deliver lessons in schools, nurseries, parks, and leisure centres all over my franchise territory. I would thoroughly recommend this opportunity.

Coach JW, coach and franchisee


I never feel alone; it feels more like a little Teddy Tennis franchise family. I would recommend this opportunity: to be able to run a business which fits in with one of my hobbies; to keep myself positively engaged, busy, fit, and work around my kids and make money at the same time (let’s not forget about that crucial part!) is priceless.

JS, mother and franchisee


As a nursery manager I have to express how impressed I am with every aspect of Teddy Tennis! The nursery have been working with Teddy Tennis for well over 2 years and I have to say the level of excellence we have come to expect has never wavered! I have also had brilliant feedback from parents who often express how much their children love taking part in the sessions so much so they will get upset on days Teddy Tennis are not scheduled to attend. In all the time I have been using Teddy Tennis I have never known a child to attend one term without signing up each term thereafter!

Manager, Dolphin Nursery