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Todd Clark - Tennis Coach


  • Australian coach with 30 plus years of coaching experience.
  • Coached at all junior grand slams.
  • Travelled to 40 plus countries.
  • Based in India for the past 10 years working with many National and ITF champions.
  • Specialize in working with tournament level juniors aged 14+.

  • GPTCA Qualified
  • ATPCA Qualified
  • USRSA (MRT) Qualified
  • iTPA Qualified CTPS
  • Course presenter for many organizations


Further information
  • United States Racquet Stringers Association (USRSA)
  • Australian Tennis Professionals Coaches Association (ATPCA)
  • Global Professional Tennis Coaches Association (GPTCA)

I feel very fortunate to have worked with many national and international juniors. Having played a small role in their development and future competitive and academic future. I have also had the opportunity to work with many foreign coaches and learn from their philosophies and incorporate some of their beliefs into my own.

I am committed to my players and work hard to improve myself each and every day.

  • Tennis Director Accelerate Tennis – Gurgaon Haryana India
  • Tennis Director Ahmedabad Racquet Academy – Ahmedabad, Gujarat India
  • Program Director Voyager Tennis – Sydney, Australia
  • Tennis Director Harvest Tennis Academy – Punjab India
  • Head Coach Sydney Private Tennis Academy – Sydney Australia
  • Head Coach Sutherland Shire Tennis Academy – Sydney Australia
  • Senior Coach Jan Dalton Tennis Academy – Sydney Australia