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Hi. My name is AJ. I manages the tennis coaching program and related services for CTA Sussex.
Contact AJ by e-mail
- Qualified –
- LTA L3;
- PTR Pro;
- RPT L3;
I have been involved with tennis practically my whole life, playing since the age of 3; coaching; watching; learning; trying to work out how to get better;
I have been based at Crowborough Tennis Club for approx. 17 years now, representing the Club on numerous occasions at various matches; conferences; events; and tournaments. My enthusiasm and drive injected the much needed “buzz” back into the Club and revived passion for tennis in the majority of Members. Adult Coaching has been given a new lease of life, with over 85% of the membership receiving some form of coaching, and the mini tennis program continues to expand with a new energetic coaching team.
My ‘speciality’ is to make you think about tennis differently. Making it simple; making it make sense; making you a better player no matter what standard you are. I thrive on a challenge and love those ‘lightbulb moments’ when a client smiles after achieving something that sometimes they felt they could never achieve