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Christophe Cazuc - Tennis Coach

Saint Malo

Christophe Cazuc

Tennis coach of high level tennis players on the international professional circuit with Régis Lavergne (2002), Thomas Oger (2002 to 2004), Bjorn Rehnquist (2003 to 2010), Manuel Guinard (2015/2016), Stuart Parker (from 2015 to 2017), Isabella Shinikova (2017), Tao Mu (2019), Frederico Ferreira Silva (2023) on nearly 200 professional tournaments (including 10 Grand Slams (Australian Open 2004, 2008, 2009, 2017; Roland Garros 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, Wimbledon 2009).

  • March 2005 Technician Diploma in N.P.L. obtained at the French Institute of NeuroLinguistic Programming (Paris).
  • October 2004 Coaching training followed at the formation center The Dojo (Paris).
  • September 2001 PhD in Sociology (Thesis, University of Nantes).
  • June 1991 State Certificate of Sport Educator first degree (BEES1) Tennis option.
  • October 1987 National First Aid Certificate (SNB).

Coaching times & fees

Please contact Christophe directly via email on waf.contact@yahoo.fr

or on Whatsapp on (+33) 675972897 for Christophe’s availability and fees.


Further information

Additional information:

  • Car license.
  • Fluent in English.
  • Writer (Balle d’éveil, Balle ocre, Balle de break)
  • Reading.
  • Running (half marathon in 1:26) and fitness.

Also a Mental coach of elite athletes (athletics, basketball, cycling, duathlon, gymnastics, kite surfing, tennis …) and 3 times world champion as coach, with Benoit Nicolas (in 2014 and 2017 for duathlon) and Bruno Sroka (in 2008 for kite surf)

Professional skills Tennis :

  • Training high-level;
  • Lecturer and speaker on mental work.

Coach :

  • Mental preparation ;
  • Maximizing the potential.


Since 2011: Responsable and Head coach at Tennis Elite Team in St Malo (Manuel Guinard, Simon Baudry and Stuart Parker train there in 2015/2016/2017) .

October 2010: Conference in Rennes (35) on the mental preparation during the tournament ATP Challenger.

September 2009/ September 2011: Training of young hopefuls, courses and individual lessons at the Tennis Club Brest.

Since 2007: Mental coach of elite athletes (athletics, basketball, cycling, duathlon, gymnastics, kite surfing, tennis …).

September 2005/ August 2008: Professor at the University Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), Brest (3 CSD one year).

September 2005/ June 2007: Responsible for tennis training and mental preparation of players of high level tennis at the Paris University Club.

November 2004/ October 2005: Involved in “Sports, Recreation and Culture” for the Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Rennes.

Since 2001: Manager and coach of the Tennis Association First Objective Series (TOPS) specializes in high level tennis.

Since 2000: Coach of high level tennis players on the international professional circuit with Régis Lavergne (2002), Thomas Oger (2002 to 2004), Bjorn Rehnquist (2003 to 2010), Manuel Guinard (2015/2016), Isabella Shinikova (2017), Tao Mu (2019) on nearly 180 professional tournaments (including 10 Grand Slams (Australian Open 2004, 2008, 2009, 2017; Roland Garros 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, Wimbledon 2009).

November 1995/ September 2001: Researcher in the humanities as part of a PhD in sociology conducted in nine countries entitled “Building an international career. Professional tennis player “(University of Nantes).

Since 1991: Tennis coach in individual lessons, group classes and competition.