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Panama City

Austrian Professional Tennis Player for 20+ Years on ATP Tour: Started 1997 in Singles and focused on Doubles since 2009: o Achieved World #1 Doubles Team and World #2 Doubles Ranking o 23 Tournament Titles & 28 Runner-up o Grand Slam Winner: Australian Open 2018 o Grand Slam Finals: Wimbledon 2017 & French Open 2018 o Represented Austria in 2016 + 2021 Olympics and 15+ Davis Cups o Singles Career High 82nd

Coaching times & fees
  • 1h- 250$
  • 1 1/2h- 350$
  • 2h- 400$

  • I have an interest in new technologies, protecting our environment, and evolving financial systems.
  • I love spending time with my family (Panamanian wife and 2 beautiful daughters) and enjoying a glass of red wine with my friends.

  • Tennis Clients all over the world, private coaching.
  • Cat Cay Tennis Clinics
  • Atp Tour Coach