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Kristina Duffkova

Czech Republic

Kristina Duffkova
I specialize in empowering you to conquer challenges that may have held you back in the past. Whether it’s building unwavering confidence regardless of outcomes, rewiring your thought patterns for success, mastering focus and eliminating distractions, cultivating a growth mindset, visualizing your dreams, or dismantling hidden barriers that stand in your way – I’m here to help you achieve it all!

What’s the ultimate reward of working with me? It’s achieving the kind of consistency in your game and life that you’ve always dreamed of.

Tennis, like life, is a whirlwind of challenges and opportunities. It reveals your true character, strengths, and weaknesses. It tests your resilience under pressure.

But with the right mental training, the game becomes your playground, and success becomes second nature.

  • International coaching certification ACC – ICF (Jan./2023)
  • Mentor – Femme Palette
  • Neuroleadership Institut, Brain-Based Coach – Basic, Advanced, Professional Coaching skills certificates (2020/21)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Life Coach – 2021
  • Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach – 2021
  • University of Economics, Prague – Banking and Insurance (Master-continuining)

Coaching times & fees
  • Online Coaching and Consultancy available upon request.  Please click here to learn more.

Further information
  • International Coaching Federation

I’m a proactive and goal-driven individual with a burning desire to unlock the hidden potential in everyone. I bring to the table not just a fervent passion for the intricate world of neuroscience, but also a strategic mind that can navigate challenges with a bird’s-eye view. My approach is steeped in empathy, ensuring that I connect with individuals on a deeper level to facilitate their growth.

At my core, I hold dear the values of well-being, relentless personal growth, the liberating power of freedom, the fire of passion, and the unwavering commitment to honesty.

With fluency in English, I’m currently on the lookout for my next adventure as an international mental performance coach, eager to spread my expertise across borders.

Beyond my professional pursuits, I find solace in the world of books, my heart dances to the rhythm of Latino music, and I thrive in the warm embrace of sunny weather. I cherish the company of open-minded souls, as I am naturally inquisitive and believe that learning and growing together is a remarkable blessing.


07/2020 – present:  Mental Performance Coach – topics such as:

  • Gaining confidence
  • Finding the right motivation
  • Rewiring thoughts patterns
  • Inner self-talk
  • Emotional stability
  • Time-management
  • Energy-management
  • Prioritization
  • Building growth mindset
  • Changing view on loss
  • Career change opportunities
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Communication style
  • Partnership topics

09/2022 – present: Mentor by Femme Palette – topics such as:

  • Adapting to transformation or change,
  • Being assertive,
  • Career coaching,
  • Communication skills,
  • Confidence,
  • Establishing work-life balance,
  • Giving and receiving feedback,
  • Navigating career change,
  • Negotiating,
  • Productivity, efficiency,
  • Self-confidence, Imposter syndrom,
  • Well-being.

10Y+ experience in Finance field (forecasting and budgeting)


Coaching with Kristina was the best thing that could have happened to me in the new year. At the beginning of the cooperation, we decided on the areas that we would focus on in depth, and that's what happened. We chose one sub-task in each lesson and by the end of the lesson we they cracked what I need to do next to move forward in the long term. One of the measurable results I see is an increase in the prices for my services and acceptance by my clients. We are currently transitioning to transformational coaching and I am already very much looking forward to it! I recommend Kristina also for her ability to listen, read between the lines and aptly summarize the key problems that need to be solved."

Nikola Kökényová, Social Media Specialist, Social Spirit


As a coach, Kristina has humanity, empathy and humor. With it, you will very easily and naturally embark on a journey beyond your comfort and routine to the path of gradual changes, where your hidden treasures and life's victories await you.

Pavol Altuchov, Employee Experience Specialist, Swiss Re


Kristina will lead you to the answers you were looking for and needed to find. She listens, evaluates and arouses your curiosity for the next consultation. It inspires you to start changing your life for the better. I definitely recommend her.

Miroslava, UI/UX Designer, Self-Employed


I have been working with Kristina for several months now, and I have to admit that these months have been a turning point in my life so far. Not only did I learn a greater degree of self-love thanks to the coaching, but I also went through an extraordinary transformation in several areas of my life. It was not an easy period at all, but thanks to Kristina's professional and at the same time empathetic approach, I managed everything and stepped into the new year as a different person. I would recommend coaching to everyone without distinction.

Hana, Tax Advisor, BTL Medical & Healthcare Technologies


Kristina, I am very glad to have you as my coach. I have a great time working with you and you ask me very good questions that move me forward and make me think about things that I would not have thought of before. I believe that with your help I will reach all my goals 100% and in a short time. It was a very good decision to go into cooperation with you.

David, Development Lead, Freelance Software Engineer


At the beginning I was quite skeptical about the coaching, but after a few sessions I started to change my view. Kristina, with her sensitive approach and a large amount of empathy with which she conducts sessions, can make me think differently about things and thereby gradually move towards the set goals. Thank you for the opportunity to see (my) world from a different angle and feel better in it. Thanks to this, I was successful to get pregnant.

Julie, maternal leave