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Bill Patton Tennis Coach


Bill Patton

Bill has over 30 years of experience, has introduced thousands of players to tennis and has coached many champions.  He is the founder of USATennisCoach as well as an USPTA Elite, PTR and MTM certified tennis professional. Bill is a contributing member of the SEC Group, and also a contributing editor to ServeItUpMagazine.com.  He is also the author of 11 books mainly about tennis.


USPTA Elite Certified coach

PTR Certified

MTM Certified

Coaching times & fees

Please click here to book Bill for tennis lessons, mentoring and more….

Bill talks about setting Coach / Player / Parent paramaters and goals.

Here is Bill in action with several of his students and endorsing several tennis related products and some of his books…


Bill knows TENNIS! I know Bill through our professional connection with USPTA and USTA and Bill exemplifies what a tennis professional should be! No better instructor in NorCal can be found

Hans R, Monterey, California


So last year I was looking for a new sport to help me get and stay fit, and have some fun in the process. Volleyball was too time consuming and logistically impractical with little kids at home. Golf, well, not for me. I met Bill Patton at a neighborhood social and we talked for quite a bit about kids and sports, and kids and tennis in particular. The man is energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate about his tennis! I started taking lessons with my 6-year old daughter in February 2008. It's now May 2009 and I'm hooked on this fabulous sport! So is my daughter. She attended one of the School of Tennis's camps last summer and had a blast. She is currently in a class with mostly 7- to 9-year olds who RUN from the parking lot to the courts, obviously excited to play some tennis with Coach Bill. He is soooo good with the kids. Each class is a combination of him teaching the kids how to hold the racket, how to hit the ball, how to be a good sport, and how to be a decent person in general. As for me, well I've done many sports in my lifetime, and Bill is the best coach I've ever had. Armed with a great sense of humor and an abundance of tennis knowledge, he makes me want to try my hardest to improve. I learn something from each lesson. And have a fantastic time in the process.

Kate C, Castro Valley, California


I heard of Bill Patton through friends and other tennis networks but mostly his work with High School teams. I expected constant drills of groundstrokes, serves, footwork, and nitpicking on form and going away from a lesson with frustration and not progressing to the next level. Instead, I have gained more knowledge of the sport of tennis and I am learning so much about myself in the process. His techniques and way of thinking can make you apply to other areas of life. Yes, he makes it fun and as a result I have improved and feel very confident with my game:)

Lani S, Hayward, California