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Player Seeking Sponsorship - Lina Qostal


Lina Qostal

Hello! My name is Lina Qostal and I’m a tennis player from Morocco. I was born and raised there, reached a top 200 junior ranking at the age of 16 and then was recruited to play college tennis at the University of Pennsylvania. I’m currently looking to be based in Spain with coach David Kiely and to make my debut on the pro tour in the second half of 2021. I believe I deserve funding because I have a unique opportunity to make history. Read below to find out more.

Education & Rankings
  • University of Pennsylvania Class of 2018. Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Politics and Economics with minors in Theatre and Psychology. Graduated magna cum laude with a 3.74 GPA as a student athlete on the tennis team where I was number 1 on the team my senior year.
  • Lycée Descartes, Baccalauréat S, Mention Très Bien, Promotion 2014
  • Languages: English, French, Arabic.
  • Best UTR Ranking: 10.79 in Singles and 10.82 in Doubles.
  • Best ITA Division I Singles Ranking achieved my senior year: #121 in the nation.
  • Best ITF Junior Ranking achieved when I was 16: #195 in the world.
  • Best WTA Singles Ranking achieved before college: #1165 in the world.
  • Best WTA Doubles Ranking achieved before college: #792 in the world.
  • Best and Current Ranking in Morocco: #1 in the nation.

Playing experience
  • Competed against top 100 players at the Morocco WTA (2013, 2014, 2017, 2019)
  • Played Fed Cup Group III (2013, 2017, 2019)
  • Qualified to the main draw of a 25k then took world number 333 to 3 sets (2013)
  • Quarter Finals of a 15k (2016)
  • Bronze Medal in singles at the African Nations Cup (2018)
  • Silver Medal in doubles at the African Nations Cup (2018)
  • Gold Medal in teams at the African Nations Cup (2018)
  • Semi-finalist at the African Junior Championship under 16 (2013)
  • Silver Medal in teams at the Islamic Games  (2013)
  • Won a 10k in doubles (2013)
  • 6th place in singles at the African Nations Cup (2012)
  • Bronze Medal at the African Junior Championship under 16 (2012)
  • 15th Place at the teams World Championship under 14 (2011)
  • 3 time Arab Champion in under 12 and under 14 (2009, 2010, 2011)
  • More than 50 titles and finals at local tournaments in under 12, under 14, under 18 and grade 1 level categories.

About you

DOB: March 11, 1997

Hand Used: Right

Height: 1m65

Racket: Babolat Pure Drive

Clothing: How Nike stands up for equality for all and celebrates being proud of your identity, standing up for what you believe in with authenticity, and embracing your uniqueness and intersectionality.

Shoes: I like the flexibility and lightness of the Nike Vapor tour shoes.

Favourite Player: Grigor Dimitrov

Favourite Tournament: US Open

Best Surface: Clay or Slow Hard Courts

Best Win: My best win is yet to come

Favourite Quotes:

Tennis is more than just a sport. It’s an art, like the ballet. Or like a performance in the theater. When I step on the court I feel like Anna Pavlova. Or like Adelina Patti. Or even like Sarah Bernhardt. I see the footlights in front of me. I hear the whisperings of the audience. I feel an icy shudder. Win or die! Now or never! It’s the crisis of my life.” – Bill Tilden

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle a human being can fight and never stop fighting.” – E.E. Cummings

“Freedom is on the other side of discipline.”

“Flow lies at the intersection of discipline and surrender.” 

My game style:

I love tactical patterns à la Justine Henin neutralizing pace with my slice, then chip and charge or finish with a drop shot. Although I love slowing down the pace with a backhand slice or a forehand drop shot, there’s nothing quite like the feeling at impact on an open stance forehand winner, feeling the power transfer from the right leg to contact. The inside out forehand is my favorite way to attack by channeling my inner Fernando Gonzalez with my fast racquet speed. As an all court player and an intuitive one, I can adapt my tactical choices and decision making based on my opponent. This adaptability is fueled by variation, but also the use of my athleticism: I definitely enjoy chasing down balls the opponent doesn’t expect me to get to and defending effectively with my slice from everywhere on the court. I love using off court time in my day to optimize my performance by working on the mental side of the game and leveraging every detail I can to gain an edge. I have this Djokovic-like holistic approach/obsession with optimizing health and high performance.

Here is a promotional video showing Lina doing what she does best:

Current and Previous Coach, Club & Academies


  • Current coach: David Kiely, coached 10 touring pros, Grand Slam semifinalist Alexandra Stevenson, 3 top 10 NCAA players, currently coaching top British Junior
  • After college: trained with Sisko Ramamonjisoa for a month in Paris.
  • College: Sanela Kunovac as Head Coach, Matej Zlatkovic and Filip Kricka as Assistant Coaches, and Coach Tracy Zimmer as Strength & Conditioning Coach at the University of Pennsylvania.


  • Trained at the ITF Center in Casablanca my senior year of high school.


I feel like what we’ve seen is only the tip of the iceberg,” Kunovac said. “Everyone who sees her is like, ‘My god, she’s so talented.’ And all I’m thinking is, ‘Wait until somebody comes with a chisel. You’ll see what a diamond is in there.

Sanela Kunovac, Penn Women's Tennis Head Coach


With her game, she can be really good. At the highest levels, you don’t see women slicing, drop shotting, going to the net. She can destabilize a lot of top players with her game.

Matej Zlatković, coached Polona Hercog #35 WTA, and was Penn Women's Tennis Assistant Coach


When all her teammates leave after practice, she stays and works some more. That’s the dedication you need on the [pro] tour.

David DiLucia, was #92 ATP