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Aleks Andrejic - Tennis Coach


Aleks Andrejic

Hello my name is Aleksandar but everybody calls me Aleks. I was born in Serbia in 1996. I officially started my coaching career when I came to Spain in 2018 and since then I’ve been very active on the court, and off the court as well. I’m looking for a new challenge, opportunity and responsibility. As part of my new challenge with the goal of growth, I would like to relocate to a German speaking country, i.e. Austria, Switzerland and Germany. German is also the next language I would like to learn in the next 5 years.

  • GPTC C license
  • Serbian National C and D license

Coaching times & fees
  • Please contact Aleks direct via email or WhatsApp.
  • He can be contacted via WhatsApp on +34 642 63 11 88
  • Or you can contact him using email on aandrejic1@gmail.com





I started working officially when I came to Spain in 2018. I started working at Tenerife Tennis Academy where I worked as a Coach assistant. I worked in the academy for 3.5 years. During that time I was in charge for Minis from Red to green level and helping with older groups U12, U14 and U 16. I was also managing league for Minis, organizing tournaments…etc. Some of the achievements were to keep kids playing tennis and to develop them to be very competitive tennis players once when they started playing with yellow balls and full court.

In mid 2022 I went to Soto Tennis academy in South of Spain where I spent almost year working and managing competitive tennis players. I was in charge of 4-6 u12 and U14 kids where I was managing their hours on court, tournaments schedule, their fitness work with help of a proper fitness coach, creating lessons and match plans together with players, keeping good communication with parents…etc.

I’m looking for similar Role with Full time Job, 30 (+- 2)hours on court and 8-10 hours off  court including leading and tracking players in Local and if possible international tournaments.


I am writing to highly recommend Aleksandar Andrejic as a tennis coach. I have
had the pleasure of working closely with him, and his dedication to player
development, meticulous work ethic, and wealth of experience in both playing and
coaching tennis are truly commendable.
Aleksandar possesses an incredible focus on the player's progress, tailoring his
coaching methods to nurture each individual's unique talents and potential. His
attention to detail and commitment to his craft make him stand out as an
exceptional tennis coach. With extensive experience as both a player and a coach,
he brings a deep understanding of the game, allowing him to guide players
effectively through every aspect of their training.
One of Aleksandar's notable qualities is his clear and well-defined goals. He
understands the intricacies of the tennis training process and knows how to set
achievable milestones for his players. His coaching style is not just about imparting
technical skills but also instilling the right mindset and determination needed to
succeed in the competitive world of tennis.
Furthermore, Aleksandar is a kind and courteous individual. His friendly demeanor
and willingness to help others create a positive and encouraging training
environment. His ability to connect with players on a personal level fosters trust
and respect, making the learning experience enjoyable and effective.
In summary, I have no hesitation in recommending Aleksandar Andrejic as a tennis
coach. His passion for the sport, combined with his professionalism and genuine
concern for his players' development, make him an invaluable asset to any tennis
Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information.

Daniel Kondraciuk