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Axel Fernando López-Gras Torner - Tennis Coach

Outside US/Canada

I\\\’m Axel, nice to see you around here. It is my 8th year as a tennis coach and i\\\’m happy yo go on with the Journey. Happy to help you achieve your goals. Formerly a ski instructor and a karate instructor. Practiced many sports which helped me understand tennis better.

  1. Rpt/ Uspta tennis director
  2. Wtca member
  3. Sports marketing master
  4. Coaching course through Apta vital sport
  5. Expert on Physical training through Apta vital sport
  6. I also have a Wide bibliography (about 100 books) on many tennis subjects such as psychology, phyisical training and coaching.

Coaching times & fees

I charge currently 30 euros per/hour

Further information
  1. Wtca
  2. Rpt/Uspta

I started tennis from a young age, played until 18 while i practiced other sports such as karate, skiing, skateboarding, windsurfing, kick boxing.. i really love traveling and doing so with tennis is the best. Also give me a good history book, a movie from the 70’s to the 2000′ and a snowy environment. Nowadays i am a part time/travel coach for a player that is traveling to itfs.




I started working on 2017 at Málaga in a small club and then at Lew Hoad in Mijas.

I moved to Madrid in 2019, worked as well in Equelite Juan Carlos Ferrero where i could exchange a small chat with Alcaraz, and then i worked part time in a club and part time as a freelance coach.

Nowadays i work full time as a freelance, i am an assistant/travel coach to a player who goes to itfs and hace coached several national players as well as players with a scholarship

Feel free to check my webpage to get more information


I am happy to reccomend Mister Axel for his future Job . We had the chance to work with him for a period of two years , and we can assure he is a true professional. During his time in the school he showed empathy for his students and a true commitment for the job. Always looking to be better, assisting regularly to courses and trainings.

Mister C