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Charles Lavie - Tennis Coach


Charles Lavie

I am a french Tennis and fitness coach from France . I am currently working in Spain with a professional junior tennis player.
Prior to this I was living in Australia for 6 years working and studying, coaching tennis and fitness at academies in Sydney.

Tennis player Level:

1/6 French ranking at 16 years old

Representing as a number one player and champion state of Seine Saint-Denis (93) at national French level from the age of 12 to 18 years old

First division badge competition in double by team in New South Wales, Australia.

Participation in Australian Money Tournaments, qualifying several times for main draw and defeating top 100 Australian players at many occasions.


2017-2018: Bachelor of business, finance management – Kings Own Institute – Sydney

Pending (11 subjects out of 22)

2016 -2017: Diploma in business, finance and management – Kings Own Institute – Sydney

2016: Certificate 4 in fitness – Australian College of Sport and Fitness – Sydney

2015: Certificate 3 in fitness – Australian College of Sport and Fitness – Sydney

Languages speaking: French (native)

English (fluent)


march19 to current situation : tennis coach , fitness coach , sparring partner at tennis academy mallorca . Spain Europe .

August 18 to march 2019 : tennis coach at Asciak tennis academy Malta, Europe

Aug 15 to Apr 18: Private tennis coach at Cooper Park Tennis Club Sydney

2016 -2018: Fitness personal trainer as freelance – Sydney : 13 clients in total

Nov 14 to Apr 18: Tennis coach and sparring partner at Inspire Tennis – Sydney

Jan to April 2015: Tennis coach at Maccabi Tennis Club – Sydney

Aug 14 to Oct 14: Tennis coach at Tennis Girl Academy – Sydney

in duo with former top 100 women tennis player Alison Scott

Jan 14 to Apr14: Tennis coach and sparring partner at Deep Tennis Academy Sydney

Jan 14 to March 14: Waiter at Mischu Restaurant – Sydney

Oct 13 to Dec 13: Horse stable job at Warwick Farm – Sydney

Dec 13 to Nov 14: Casual Construction jobs Sydney

2011-2013: Tennis coach – private lessons – Paris