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Chris Wootton - Tennis Coach


I love being on court. If I could move my desk on court, I would be happier!!! Hahaha!! Energy, passion and excitement would be understating my daily demeanor. I am a smile and servant leader first. A family man most of all while being a decorated business person in all communities I have lived.

Lets go see cool places, meet cool people and do cool things!!!! Live life with a smile!!

  • Current Playing level: 5.0+, UTR 10+
  • ATP Singles: Top 100 wins
  • ATP Doubles: Top 100 Wins
  • NCAA All-American
  • NCAA D1 College Head Coach
  • 15 Years of NCAA Coaching Experience
  • 25 years of High Performance Junior
  • 7 Years of WTA on-tour experience

Coaching times & fees

Open to all opportunities

Further information
  • USPTA – P1
  • ATP/WTA Certified

48 years old, married with two daughters that are 25 and 22 years old.

Wife is a licensed Physical Therapist and Strength and Conditioning Coach – When you get me, you also get her and her experience for free – Unless you want to hire one of the best sports performance physios on the planet!! I am a bit biased but she is a rock star. She has worked with 10+ professional teams and 100+ professional athletes from pre-hab to post-hab to back to sport

  • 40 years of tennis playing experience
  • 20 years of C-Suite level business experience
  • 25 years of tennis coaching
  • 12 years of NCAA College Coaching
  • 10+ years of tennis management – Director of Tennis and Head Coaching Experience
  • Fitness junkie, Food lover, travel enthusiast
  • I love helping people, leading people and learning new things




All things business and tennis – Not much I can not do – I only speak one language

  • Current Playing level: 5.0+, UTR 10+
  • ATP Singles: Top 100 wins
  • ATP Doubles: Top 100 Wins
  • NCAA All-American
  • NCAA D1 College Head Coach
  • 15 Years of NCAA Coaching Experience
  • 25 years of High Performance Junior
  • 7 Years of WTA on-tour experience
  • 30 Years of Adult Coaching