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Diego Cornejo - Tennis Coach

Emiratos árabes unidos
United Arab Emirates

Diego Cornejo

My name is Diego Cornejo, I am a GPTCA ATP Level B Certified International Coach, PTR Certified International Head Coach and Fitness coach with more than 17 years of experience in the coaching industry. I have  taught at all levels from beginner to professional in various countries in Europe, North America and South America.



  • Curso de primeros auxilios


  • maestro en entrenamiento deportivo
  • Entrenador internacional GPTCA B-Level


  • PTR Entrenador profesional de tenis/ niveles de rendimiento principiante-intermedio-alto, EE.UU.

Coaching times & fees
  • Comuníquese directamente con Diego para obtener más información sobre disponibilidad y costos.
  • Se le puede contactar vía correo electrónico a diego.cornejo.tenis@gmail.com
  • O vía Teléfono/Whatsapp al +971-50-978-9591

  • Fecha de nacimiento  19/03/1986
  • Lugar de nacimiento Punta Arenas, Chile
  • Residencia Dubai, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
  • Nacionalidad chilena – Aleman 
  • Habla español, inglés

Carrera como jugador:

Compitió en torneos profesionales en Francia, Alemania, España, Brasil, Austria, Chipre, Ucrania, Marruecos, Grecia, Estados Unidos, Chile, Italia, Portugal, Uruguay etc.

Torneos ITF juveniles: Orange Bowl (EE. UU.), Eddie Herr (EE. UU.), Banana Bowl (Brasil), Asuncion Bowl (Paraguay), Yucatán GA (México), Casa Blanca G1 (México)

2005 #1 en el ranking Nacional, Chile

2003 Puesto #6 en el puesto Cosat (América del Sur)


  • 5to lugar en categoría Equipos en el Campeonato Mundial, República Checa
  • 2do lugar Copa Campeonato Sudamericano, COSAT, Venezuela

1998-1999 #3 en el ranking Nacional, Chile


  • Campeón del Año “Circuito Campeones para Chile”, Jaime Fillol, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
  • 1er lugar ranking Nacional de tenis, Valparaíso, Chile

1996-1997  1er lugar ranking Nacional de tenis, Punta Arenas, Chile


2023:  Director y fundador de Cornejo Tennis Academy Dubai

2021 – 2022

  • Entrenador de tenis en Rafa Nadal Academy Kuwait


  • Director y entrenador profesional de la Academia de tenis Cornejo


  • Entrenador profesional de tenis y preparador físico profesional de Juan Carlos Saez (#230 ranking ATP)


  • Pro entrenador en jefe de Smatt Tennis David Park, Hollywood Beach, Florida, EE.UU.
  • Capitán de Chile del Campeonato Mundial de Tenis ITF, Miami Florida, EE.UU.


  • Entrenador en jefe profesional y preparador físico profesional de alto rendimiento en la Academia de Tenis Eyzaguirre, Miami Florida, EE. UU.


  • Entrenador en jefe profesional de Neighborhoods Tennis Academy, Miami Florida, EE. UU.


  • Entrenador profesional de tenis y preparador físico profesional en Nuñez Tennis Training, Miami Florida, EE. UU.
  • Entrenador de tenis profesional de Bastian Malla (nº 362 del ranking ATP)


  • CEO del centro deportivo IST, Viña del Mar, Chile
  • Entrenador profesional de alto rendimiento en Academia AIT, Viña del Mar, Chile


  • Entrenador profesional de tenis de Andrea Koch (#224 ranking WTA), Chile #1


  • Entrenador de tenis y preparador físico del Colegio Irma Salas, Viña del Mar, Chile


To Whom It May Concern: The purpose of this letter is to recommended Mr. Diego Cornejo for the position of Head Coach and describe his past duties at our academy and the skills he possesses that would make him a great candidate at your organization. Mr Cornejo worked in our academy for two years as the Head Coach and Athletic Trainer for groups that encompassed early development and junior players. Diego was responsible for designing weekly programs for physical training and tennis activities and drills. Additionally, he was in charge of setting progress goals for each one of our players along with assessing their progress during practices and competitions. We are glad to recommend Mr. Cornejo for the position you are offering. We believe that he would be a great member in your academy because we saw great progress in the players Diego coached. We experienced greater motivation, physical endurance and strength, and tournament results under Diego’s leadership. Lastly, please to not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions about Mr. Cornejo’s role in our organisation

Daniel Encinas, Director at North Miami Tennis Academy


To whom it may concern: This letter serves to confirm that Diego Cornejo, worked at Athletic Tennis Academy (Eyzaguirre Tennis Academy) from July 2016 to December 2018. He was always a hard working employee, showing professionalism and good work ethics. In case you require any other information for our end feel free to contact us.

Julio Eyzaguirre, Eyzaguirre Tennis Academy


To Whom it may Concern Regarding: Diego Cornejo Dear Sir / Madam, Confirmation Letter The GPTCA (Global Professional Tennis Coach Association) is an international organization dedicated to educating, training, and assisting professional tennis coaches who wish to evolve at the ATP World Tour level or want to work in women's pro tennis. Thanks to the partnership with the ATP World Tour, the GPTCA is the only association in the world which offers ATP Certified courses. Mr Diego Cornejo is a “B” Level Coach in the GPTCA (coach code CHI00010B , granted directly without the need for attending course, on the basis of achievements as a tennis coach). Based on a review of his professional résumé, and our knowledge of his career, it is clear that Mr. Diego Cornejo is a coach of extraordinary ability in competition tennis. Mr Diego Cornejo is a complete world-class coach and a great contribution in the world of tennis, especially in the United Arab Emirates, the Middle East and in Asia. Your sincerely, Alberto Castellani GPTCA President Bach 09-Oct-2023

Alberto Castellani The GPTCA (Global Professional Tennis Coach Association)