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John Fraser

North Yorkshire / Cleveland
United Kingdom

John Fraser

Leave the athlete with an impression of increase in their capabilities through interaction with myself.

  • Studying MBA
  • MSC in Project Management
  • Diploma in Management Development
  • RPT Director Of Tennis
  • RPT International Professional Tennis Coach
  • International Coaching Institute  – Director of Tennis
  • International Coaching Institute – International Professional
  • ESTESS Tennis Coach Level 3
  • PTR Level 2 Tennis certification
  • K.I. Tennis Serve Specialist certification
  • LTA Introduction to Padle Tennis certification
  • RPP CCC Level 1 Competitive Padel Coaching Course
  • Diploma in Optimum Nutrition Theory
  • Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology
  • Strength and Conditioning certification Lvl 4
  • Youth strength and conditioning specialist course certification
  • LTA Accredited Coach
  • Working with Proctor and Gallagher Institution on mindset development

Coaching times & fees
  • Please contact John direct via email JDF944@aol.com or              +44 7989 388168



Further information





UK and Cyprus Residency




“The starting point for all achievement is desire, without desire there is no fire inside of us”-Napoleon Hill



Experience in Management, Leadership, Strategic Management, Research, working in multi culture environments.


Juniors gained all round experience working abroad, UK with recreational, enthusiastic juniors from 3 yrs old through to ITF Junior tour players. Programs tailored with technical, tactical, mental, physical requirements. Strength and conditioning coach for an academy performance junior squad in Cyprus.

Adults from new starters through to those competing on the ITF amateur senior tour and as a travelling coach developing training developing on and off court periodisation plans.


I have known John Fraser as a great co-worker back to our UAE days... it was only a little later that i realized he was as great as a tennis coach as he was at the office. I am one of those who desired to learn playing tennis. Tried to play few times with friends and learnt to return balls for the sake of. But John Fraser and his coaching has changed all that. From how to hold a racket the right way, body postures, leg movements and swing strokes. John Fraser has showed me not just how to play but showed me the appreciation of the art of tennis. As a coach, he patiently taught me from crawling, then walking and finally running on the tennis courts. One of the best traits as a coach that aided me learning faster was his calmness, his words of encouragement, his above and beyond patience and most of all how a great player he was when it was his time to play matches. A great coach and a great player. For those thinking to learn and play tennis, I would highly recommend the expert services of no other than a great person in and outside the court. John Fraser makes it so easy for beginners even advanced players to learn and advanced in this sport. If you want to find the confidence of playing this game - arrange some coaching with John Fraser.

Mary Cres Casia, Los Angeles, USA


John is a fantastic coach with great patience,good humour and huge experience. He took my wife and I on as absolute beginners and stripped it back to basics from grip, stance, foot movement, forehand, backhand through to serve all in 3 one hour lessons. He is extraordinary and had us doing 30 shot rallies on forehand and backhand within just 3 days,giving us real confidence, such that we will definitely continue tennis lessons when we get back home.

Paul and Debra UK


John, I'm summing up our four months of training. I was lucky to meet my tennis coach! Thanks to you, I enjoy seeing good shots instead of beating myself up over bad ones, and it's a habit I've taken into other areas of my life. I have always been amazed at your patience in getting my body into the right position for swing, strike, support, focus and speed appropriate to the moment. I came as a beginner and my desire to make tennis a part of my life is growing. Thank you for this! Джон, я подвожу итоги четырёх месяцев наших тренировок. Мне повезло встретить моего теннис коуча! Благодаря тебе я получаю удовольствие видеть удачные удары, вместо того чтобы ругать себя за неудачные, и эту привычку я беру в другие сферы моей жизни. Я всегда удивлялась твоему терпению выстраивать моё тело в нужную позицию для замаха, удара, опоры, фокуса и скорости, адекватного моменту. Я пришла новичком, и моё желание сделать теннис частью моей жизни растёт. Спасибо тебе за это!

Marina Volskai Cyprus


John is very professional, organised & is always looking to improve & add to what he can offer. He carefully plans his lessons to provide a development path. When I’ve been busy, I have often asked John to take on some of my pupils including numerous children. I have also recommended him to coach at hotels & resorts where I have an existing relationship. All the children have loved him & the parents have also appreciated his way of teaching children. He makes it enjoyable for them while developing their skills. They are comfortable with him & progress. I would definitely recommend him as a coach to anyone without reservation.

Sacha Tennis Coach Cyprus