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Lucas Villar - Tennis Cooach


Hello everyone, I am lucas villar , a passionate and experienced tennis coach with a strong background in developing players of all levels especially on high performance . With 15 years of coaching experience around the world traveling , I have helped numerous athletes achieve their goals and improve their game.

My coaching philosophy is centered around creating a supportive and challenging environment that allows players to reach their full potential. I focus on building strong technical foundations, as well as mental toughness and strategic awareness.

  • South American Tennis Coach
  • International Tennis Coach
  • Video and Match Analysis Expertise
  • Biomechanical Analysis Training

Coaching times & fees
  • Please contact Lucas direct via email or WhatsApp.
  • He can be contacted via WhatsApp on +34695722802 or +5491160389019
  • Or you can contact him using email on lucasvillartenniscoach@hotmail.com

I am 31 years old. I began my tennis career as a player at the age of 8 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As a player, I have experience competing in high-level interclub matches and national tournaments. I have also had the opportunity to play for teams in Spain and New Zealand. I have always been very dedicated and worked hard to improve in every aspect, especially when I started my coaching career at 16.

Currently, I have 15 years of experience working in different academies in Argentina, Spain, and New Zealand. I possess a high level of gameplay, enabling me to be a sparring partner for professional players. Last year, I worked as a sparring partner for the ASB Classic tournament in Auckland, which was an incredible experience.

I aim to continue growing as a coach for professional players… My only hobby is padel, and I also enjoy golf to some extent. I regularly engage in various sports to stay fit for my job.


Work Experience:

  • CLUB LOS COOPERARIOS (Tennis School and Pre-Competition) (Buenos Aires – Quilmes, Argentina) February 2009 – December 2012
  • BARRIO PRIVADO ANEXO ALEMAN QUILMES (Competition and Private Lessons) Buenos Aires, Argentina December 2011 – February 2012
  • CLUB QUILMES (Tennis School, Private Lessons for Adults) (Buenos Aires – Quilmes) July 2010 – December 2013 (Nestor Rey)
  • GARDEN TENNIS CLUB (Buenos Aires – Quilmes) (Tennis Club Coordinator, Junior Training Group and ITF, Private Lessons) April 2013 – June 2014
  • SUDAMERICA TENNIS CLUB (Tennis School and Pre-Competition) (Buenos Aires – Wilde) December 2014 – December 2015 (Daniela Noceto)
  • CLUB DE AMIGOS (Tennis School, Competition, Group Lessons for Adults, Private Lessons) (Buenos Aires, Palermo) May 2015 – December 2017 (Fermin Noceto, Bruno Rivas)
  • TOWER PROMENADE (Private Training, Personalized Adult Training and Private Classes) (Buenos Aires) May 2014 – December 2017 (Fermin Noceto)
  • CLUB COMUNICACIONES (Performance Groups and Sparring Partner) (Buenos Aires CABA) December 2015 – December 2016 (Rodrigo Pena, Tony Pena)
  • SUPERTENIS ESCUELA Cervecería Quilmes (High-Performance Training, Pre-Competition and Competition School) (Buenos Aires) February 2015 – December 2019 (Marcelo Garcia, Juan Carlos Belfonte)
  • TENNIS WORLD (Victoria, Australia) (Sparring Partner) December 2017 – January 2018
  • 4SLAM TENNIS ACADEMY (Barcelona-Casteldefels) (High-Performance, traveling coaching  , Summer Stage and Tennis School) June 2018 – July 2018 (Fernando Vicente, Jairo Velasco)
  • CLUB TENNIS CASTELDEFELLS CTC (Barcelona-Casteldefells) (Competition, Summer Stage and Tennis School) June 2019 – July 2019 (Carlos Megía, Director of Tennis)
  • INTERNATIONAL BARCELONA TENNIS ACADEMY (Barcelona – Cornella) (Competitions Group) May 2019 – November 2019 (Carlos Megía, Director of Tennis)
  • 4SLAM TENIS ACADEMY (Barcelona – Casteldefells) (Traveling Tennis Coach – High Performance) September 2020 – September 2021, October 2022 – July 2023 (Fernando Vicente, Jairo Velazco, Director of the Academy)
  • LAVIE TENNIS ACADEMY (New Zealand – Auckland) (Traveling Tennis Coach – High Performance with ITF Players) September 2023 – September 2024