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Mariona Del Peral Francin - Tennis & Padel Coach


Mariona Del Peral Francin

I am efficient manager and coach. I have been ex tennis player (1163 on the world). I can coordinate a club and do lessons from kids until adults. I have patience and I like to teach being fun.

  • Professional Padel Director, 2021 ( RPP: International Registry of Padel Professionals).
  • Professional Tennis Director, 2021( RPT: International Registry of Tennis Professionals).
  • International coach, Level C, 2020 ( GPTCA, Global Professional Tennis Coach Association).
  • Tennis Level I Technician, 2016 ( Federació Catalana de Tennis).
  • National tennis referee. Club Tennis Tarragona ( 2015).
  • Superior course of sport activities. Aula Magna ( 2015).

Coaching times & fees
  • Please contact Mariona direct via email or WhatsApp.
  • She can be contacted via WhatsApp on +34654666755
  • Or you can contact her using email on mariona7000@hotmail.com




  • Currently I am managing and coaching in three tennis and padel clubs in Spain, Tarragona ( small clubs called: Club Tennis i Padel El Catllar; Club Tennis Constantí ; Club Marítim Altafulla.
  • Coach in Cambridge Lawn Tennis Club doing group lessons and private lessons. I worked with all levels and all ages ( from June 2017 untill Septembre 2018).
  • Coach In Club Tennis Girton ( UK, Cambridge) doing group lessons with adults ( 2017-2018).
  • Coach in Club Tennis Girton doing adult lessons (2017/2018).
  • Coach in Club Tennis Constantí. I have trained people of all ages and levels. Especially on the physical training and compensation of the non-domination side. ( 2015 until January 2017)
  • 30 matches as chair judge ( 2016).
  • Line umpire in “ Mallorca Open 2016” ( June 2016).
  • Line umpire in “ Masters Series de Madrid” ( May 2016).
  • Line umpire in “ Conde de Godó Trophy Barcelona” ( April 2016).
  • Line umpire in the male and female Spanish Championship (2015).
  • Professional player for 7 years ( individual and double) with ranking WTA. During my career I have won six national championship. In 2011 played a doubles final international ( 10000$) at Melilla. This summer reaches final individuals rooms of an international tournament ( 10000$) at Tunez, where I win the 600 world player.
  • Tennis coach in Club Gimnàstic of Tarragona ( 2011). With children between 4 and 15 years, including various categories ( from beginners to precompetition).


Mariona del Peral Francín coached at Cambridge Lawn Tennis Club for just over one year from June 2017 to September 2018. Mariona was an excellent addition to the coaching team, extremely hard working and is dedicated to providing the best coaching she can for her students. Mariona is highly organised and is very capable at managing a busy diary successfully. Mariona works well in a team and is adaptable to different coaching situations. I would thoroughly recommend Mariona to any tennis coaching position.

James Mills, CLTC Tennis Manager


Mariona del Peral Frnacin, born 11/12/1991, as the co-president of the Sport and Leisure Centre Constantí (Spain), is currently plating an important roles as a booster in this club. Acting as a tennis coach, we can highlight her ability to organize, her responsibility and commitment with the job and in particular, her way of motivating children and players. We see how she enjoys playing and teaching, and this she proves every time she is on the court.


Mariona del Peral Francin worked in the club Gimnastic of Tarragona/Spain Tennis Department during 2011 as a tennis coach. At that time, due to her youth and still little experience, she only trained beginner and advanced groups. At present, she is proving her abilities in tennis and its training methodologies in the tennis lessons she is responsible for. Furthermore, it seems easy for her to get into tough with the students which at the same time motivates them even more to learn. Finally, we have to point out her impatience to learn and to progress, her way to take her work seriously, together with her frank and kind manner at any time.