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Martin Mayer

Lower Austria

My Name is Martin. I am an Austrian tennis coach with over 17 years of coaching experience and co-founder of the tennis academy “TennisBase Tullnerfeld“. We train, form and improve >250 players of all ages and skill-levels. Notable players I coached include Lucas Miedler (from age 3-18; European Junior Champion U16, Australian Open Junior Doubles Champion, 5x ATP Doubles Champion, ATP Doubles Ranking #35), Leander Tauber (age 2-14; current Austrian National Champion Doubles U14,Top 10 Austria U14, Mouratoglou Academy outstanding middle school player of the year), Aileen Hoxha (age 4-17; Top 20 Austria U18, national doubles champ 2023).
I aim to pass my strong performance mindset on to my students striving to create the right atmosphere and conditions to have fun and help them improve every lesson at the same time.


2007 ÖTV Instruktor
2010 ÖTV Lehrer
2012 Dipl Mentaltrainer (qualified mental coach) at Mental Academy Europe
2018 GPTCA Level B Coach
2018 ISMCA Tennis Mental Coach
2021 ÖTV Tennis Trainer (highest possible Austrian qualification)
Attended >20 tennis conferences with top coaches (e.g., Toni Nadal, Günther Bresnik)

Coaching times & fees

Please contact me via Whatsapp (Number: +43 664 4116991) for more details.

I started playing tennis at 6 years old and until today it is one of my greatest passions. I am fascinated by the physical and mental aspects of the game. As a result, I regularly attend tennis conferences (e.g. with Gunther Bresnik, Toni Nadal), educate myself on sports science and physiology and qualified as a mental coach.

Apart from tennis, I enjoy watching and playing basketball, cycling, running and going to the gym. In addition, I love meeting new people of all backgrounds through traveling (completed the route 66 two times – so far).


Former coach of Lucas Miedler (from age 3-18; European Junior Champion U16, Australian Open Junior Doubles Champion, 5x ATP Doubles Champion, ATP Doubles Ranking #35)

Coach of many Top Junior players in Austria for example Leander Tauber (Current middle school player of the year at the Mouratoglou Tennis Academy) or Aileen Hoxha(Top 20 ÖTV player and doubles national champion)

Co founder of the Tennisbase Tullnerfeld coaching >250 players – www.tennisbase-tullnerfeld.com


Martin has been my tennis coach for over 15 years. What I appreciate most about him is his honest, ambitious and motivating nature, as well as his professional competence. Martin practices his profession with passion and is able to quickly get his students excited about tennis. Martin conveys an offensive and self-confident style of play. In addition, the fun factor is never neglected in his training sessions! I never want to trade Martin for another coach!”

Nina Geretschläger, 27 years, National league player in Austria


Martin is a person who always makes me want to get the best out of myself. With his style he creates a perfect balance between fun and success. The atmosphere during his training passes from the coach to the players, which is why I found my great passion in tennis. He stands up for his players and does it with his heart, and you can tell. He cares about more than just playing tennis and has made tennis an integral part of my life.”

Julia Winkler, 23, National league player in Austria


I have been training with Martin for many years and particularly appreciate his open and honest nature. Whether it's fun group training or ambitious performance training, I can get something out of every session with him. You can learn a lot from him, especially in the mental area."

Matthias Wurzer, 28, National league Player in Austria