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Mathilda Hana - Tennis Coach


Mathilda Hana

My solid passion for tennis permeates my role as a coach. Since a young age I’ve always loved sports, especially the ones that involves a ball. I would describe my way of coaching as “tough loving” since my kindness affect the players progression as they gain self confidence. My strict way of coaching provides with early development. Discipline and confidence is the two major factors to success. Although my firm hand on court I always contribute with a good laugh.

  • Meticulous
  • Committed 
  • Understanding
  • Responsible 
  • Friendly
  • Technical skills
  • Adaptive

Coaching times & fees
  • Please contact Mathilda direct via email or WhatsApp.
  • She can be contacted via WhatsApp on +46 70 424 30 93
  • Or you can contact her using email on mathildahanna12@hotmail.se



Further information


  • Head coach in Södertälje at SPTK
  • Coach at Tumba Tennis club
  • Coach at Trosa Tennis Club 

Skills and specialty’s:

  • Communication 
  • Fast learner
  • Ability to work in a team 
  • Technical skills 
  • Shape players 

  • Working on a project that’s called Next Level Tennis with another head coach (Yerko Muller) with players who have the potential and dream of becoming professional players from age of 10 to 15
  • Adult coaching, groups and private (beginner and performance)
  • annual tournaments every year with other head coaches at the club 
  • 4-5 camps every term in my club, for performance players 
  • Every summer we arrange a two week camp with very good and promising players all over the country and coaches such as Oscar Marhuenda, Yerko Muller and Andreas Vinciguerra. 

Career history: 

Started playing tennis at the age of 5, my coaches tat the time where yerko muller and Miguel Ocampo who I work with now and at the same club I started. 

I was a player at a good level but didn’t have the opportunity to keep playing. Years later I started coaching as an extra job until it became my full time job. After a couple of years of hard work I became a head coach and took responsibility for beginners at all ages and performance players at age 10 to 16. 

  • I also started to train and helping players that want to start working as coaches part time, to improve their performance as players and also coaching! I believe that players at a good level should have the experience to coach others, for them to see tennis and understanding the game from another perspective. I believe that will improve them to become even better player, to them, seeing tennis from a coaching eye and not just a players eye.


Mathilda hana, I've had her as a tennis player from the age of 7, we worked very hard for several years. She became top 5 in the country, she worked very hard with good discipline and has incredible work ethic. Sadly she quit to focus on other stuff. Years later she did a come back and trained hard and found a good level again, on the side she practiced beside me as a coach. She helped me with the tennis school, above all she helped to develop and shape younger players. After a couple of years after lots of practice as coach she got more responsibility, sense then the club has grown more than ever and she is now very important to the club (sptk). Above everything, Mathilda is a happy and a thoughtful person who is very caring about everyone. Many good years with her, and contributed enormously with the tennis school, mini tennis, performance groups and adults.

YERKO MULLER, Södertälje tennis club