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Mauricio De La Colina - Tennis Coach


Mauricio De La Colina

I have more than 15 years as a tennis player. Eventually I became a tennis coach to share my knowledge and experience. I occupied different roles for instance: a school professor, a school principal, member of one of the prestigious schools located in Argentina, head coach in international clubs in Bolivia and Mexico and accompaniment in different tours in ITF.

  • Simposio TPR 2009 (Professional Tennis Registry) (2009)
  • Simposio TPR 2008 (Professional Tennis Registry) (2008)
  • Workshop – endorsed from AAT about team work


Coaching times & fees
  • Please contact Mauricio direct via email or WhatsApp.
  • He can be contacted via WhatsApp on +528711852278
  • Or you can contact him using email on mdelacolina5@gmail.com


Languages: Advanced English – Native Spanish


  • Number 2 from Argentinian Ranking
  • Tennis School Principal with more than 100 students
  • Alejandro Cerúndulo Tennis Point Academy and Fabian Blengino and Leonardo Olguin Academy staff member
  • Trained players: Hugo Dellien, Guido Pella and Camilo Ugo Caravelli, among others.


January 2021 – December 2023: Coach of Isabella Gonzalez – Torreón Coa – Mexico

  • Development and empowerment of tactic and technical skills
  • Introduction to competence
  • Successful results at national level from Sub 16 category to Sub 14 category

January 2021 – December 2023: Coach of Ivana Zermeño – Torreón Coa – Mexico

  • Development and empowerment of tactic and technical skills
  • Introduction to competence
  • Successful results at national level from Sub 10 category

January 2020 – December 2020: Head Coach Club – Torreón Coa – Mexico

  • Tennis Head coach
  • Staff coordinator
  • Tournaments and events coordinator
  • Tactic and technical lineaments planner
  • Coordination between parents and principals

January 2018 – December 2019: Coach at Olguin Tennis Academy – Buenos Aires – Argentina

  • Coach staff member
  • Work with professional and junior players

January 2014 – December 2017: Coach at Blengino Tennis Academy – Buenos Aires – Argentina

  • Development and empowerment of tactic and technical skills with juniors and professional players
  • Natalia Aruj coach personal, Argentinian ranking N°2, TORUNAMENT COSAT winner
  • Manuel Peña Lopez Coach, Top 400 ATP
  • Juan Pablo Grassi Mazuchi personal coach N°15 ITF Juniors

January 2012 To December 2013: Coach at Santa Cruz De La Sierra Academy – Santa Cruz De La Sierra – Bolivia

  • Tennis Head coach
  • Responsible of team work in charge of 15 coaches
  • Tournaments and events coordinator
  • Tactic and technical lineaments planner
  • Coordination between parents and principals

January 2008 To December 2011: Coach at Tennis Point Academy And Tennis Carhué School – Buenos Aires – Argentina

  • Tennis school principal
  • Teacher of students from beginner level to advanced level
  • Tactic and technical lineaments planner
  • School Principal
  • Juan Manuel Cerundulo’s professor, TOP 100 ATP

January 2006 To December 2007: Coach at Colegio Medico Club – La Rioja – Argentina

  • Students’ coach from Intermediate – Advanced levels, competition team
  • Mauricio Perez Mota’s personal trainer N°2 from National Ranking, N°7 from South American ranking and Geronimo Spin with a ranking of N°400 ATP

January 2004 To December 2005: Coach at Universidad Nacional De La Rioja – La Rioja – Argentina

January 2004 To December 2005: Coach Centro De Educación Física N°5 / Physical Education Centre N°5 – La Rioja – Argentina

  • TV programme coordinator “Tennis para todos”
  • Tennis as a tool for social inclusion


My name is Natalia Aruj and Mauricio de la Colina was my tennis coach from the age of eleven to fifteen. During this stage of development as a professional tennis player, she especially focused on tennis-specific coordinative movement technique to improve speed and power of strokes. The training sessions were focused on maintaining the intensity throughout it with different tactical objectives depending on what was required at that time to make my game more effective. In this way, each week of training was planned depending on the competition calendar. Mauricio is a professional with great ability to adapt to the needs of the player. He has the technical and tactical knowledge to help competitive development with key objectives at each respective moment. In addition, his punctuality and dedication to the profession are exceptional, creating an environment of professionalism and enthusiasm to continue learning and improving. Consequently, during my formative stage, De la Colina helped me achieve great results as a tennis player, such as: having been part of the South American Championship representing Argentina in 2014, reaching number two in the national ranking and number 12 in the Cosat ranking, having achieved several G2 and G1 in doubles and various participants in important tournaments in the United States, Europe and South America. Likewise, De la Colina has a great personality to teach values regarding sport such as commitment and dedication to achieve the proposed objectives. Competitive and training planning were consistent with recovery times in order to achieve effective and healthy development. He has the ambition to achieve new challenges in the short and long term, taking into account the qualities and needs of the player at all times. On the other hand, Mauricio helped me to have a better approach and understanding of tennis as a sport since I was able to understand during my work with him the importance of continuous work. Also, prior to each game he performed a physical warm-up in which we planned the strategy for it. Likewise, after each competition we make a summary of it in which we will analyze the things to improve and even those that could be done effectively. Mauricio de la Colina is not only a great professional but also a person with a passion for what he dedicates himself to and applies with each of his players the importance of creating a professional and comprehensive relationship in order to generate the greatest potential of the player not only in tennis but in various areas of life. One of the best qualities of the professional is the ability to communicate knowledge and transmit each step to achieve the challenge. Consequently, it is to this day that my hitting technique and movements on the court are recognized by different coaches from major NCAA D1 universities. Much of my knowledge about my skills and the development of them were thanks to De la Colina due to the shooting and tactical exercises during the rallies. Consequently, the professionalism of the training sessions gave results in my formation as a player. In this way, Mauricio de la Colina has been a great contribution to my development as a player. During four years of work I achieved positive results in the competition and outside of it. My appreciation for Mauricio's work is exceptional due to his quality and dedication in the process of my formative stage and understanding of the competition and the qualities required of him to achieve the proposed objectives.

Natalia Aruj, former student