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My name is Michael Sobhy. I am a professional tennis player form Egypt and 19 years old. I am ranked 1039 now . I want to proceed with my tennis career to professional and live the professional environment
Education & Rankings
I finished high school in egypt . And iam in second year of college in egypt ranked number 1012 atp
Playing experience
I have been playing simce i was 6 years old till now
About you
- My dreams is to be top 50 in the world ATP .
- iam working now toward smy goals
7th of may 2004
right handed
dunlop sx300
I don’t have clothing or shoes sponsors
i have dunlop sposor
Novak djokovich
i want to play olympics games
Us open
hard court
Best win beaten south aftican guy top 300 atp
Goal for the coming year is to be top 500
Current and Previous Coach, Club & Academies
- My current coaches are mohamed safwat and karim maamoum .
- I play at Ahly tennis club
- morgan bourbon was my coach for one year at moutagoglu tennis academy
Michael bassem is a hardworking person. He has a high ambition to reach his full potential by his dedication and hard work, he is so talented and have high potential in tennis
Mohamed safwat
Michael is a really good playes he is talented and has everything that can put him in a really good place
Karim maamoun