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International Coach, Presidente y fundador de UPT , Atp and Wta coach
- Currently President and founder of UNIÓN PROFESIONAL DE TENIS, teaching level 1, 2 and 3 courses in Spain, India and Latin America.
- Organizer of tennis events / tournaments throughout Spain, implementing UTR throughout the national sphere (since it is a great formula for learning the competition)
Coaching times & fees
to negotiate
Further information
- President and founder to UNION PROFESIONAL DE TENIS
Entrepreneur with extensive experience in leading work teams. Imagination and initiative to develop new ideas and with great agility to resolve incidents. Great work capacity, flexibility and ability to face challenging and overcoming situations
Hard-working person, 100% involved in all his work, whether as a coach, director or referee in competitions
Captain of the University of Alicante and trainer of coaches anywhere in the world.
Wta and Atp player coach