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Rodrigo Araya - Tennis Coach



My name is Rodrigo Araya, I am a former player and currently a tennis and fitness coach for professional tennis players.

I was born and raised in Chile. Six years ago, I decided to embark on a new journey, which led me to Barcelona.

Today, I am working with young individuals who are starting their path to professionalism and others who are already on that journey.

  • Professional Tennis Coach
  • Physical Education Teacher
  • Specialization in Fitness Training for Tennis Players
  • ISAK Level 1 Anthropometrist
  • TRX Certification

Coaching times & fees

The schedules will be to be confirmed depending on the week, as during some weeks I am away for tournaments and during others my schedule is more flexible.

I used to be a tennis player until the age of 18. After that, I dedicated myself to studying Physical Education Pedagogy in order to apply it to sports. This allowed me to start working in my favorite sport area while continuing to specialize in it.

I was fortunate to work with great professionals in the field, including former professional tennis players, Olympic champions, and Grand Slam winners. All this helped me to continue growing both personally and professionally.

My hobbies have always been linked to sports. In general, any activity related to sports is a good pastime for me.

During the last few years, I have been dedicated to working with professional players, ranging from 1000 to 165. This has provided me with the opportunity to get to know and understand the global tennis circuit, from W15 tournaments to Grand Slams.



I have over 15 years of experience in the world of tennis, starting from mini tennis in my early years, working with adolescents, adults, and currently focusing primarily on professionals.

Furthermore, I have also dedicated the same number of years to implementing fitness trainings for my players and school groups, where I have had the fortune to work.