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Sofia Shapatava
Experienced Tennis Professional with more then 12 years on tour. Competed in all the Grand Slam events and represented her country in Fed Cup for 11 years. Skilled in Translation, Foreign Languages, Tennis, Tennis Instruction, Fitness and Nutrition.
- High School Atestation, Gymnasium #7 (with increased math classes), Tbilisi – September 1999 — May 2003
- Diploma, 150 Music High School, Tbilisi October 1999 — October 2007
- Diploma in Nursing, National Medical College, Tbilisi 2003 — 2006
- Bachelor Degree, European Law University, Tbilisi October 2017 — October 2021
- Looking at taking the next coaching certification course available
Coaching times & fees
- Please contact Sofia directly for more information on availability and costs.
- I can be contacted via email on
- Or via Telephone / Whatsapp on +4915254065120
Further information
- 2020 – Fitness Certificate, CPD
- 2020 – Advanced Fitness Certificate, CPD
- 2020 – Nutrition Certificate, CPD
- 2020 – Sport Nutrition Certificate, CPD
- 2020 – The Science of Well Being, Yale
- 2020 – German Language Course, Goethe Institute Mannheim
- Has good communication skills and strives to always learn more.
- At the moment is in the last year of Law school. Enjoys reading and experimenting with food to get healthier food options for athletes.
- Open to work, advise and collaborating.
Here is Sofia on court during her time on tour over the last 12 years!
- Experience on tour: 12 years.
- Participated in every Grand Slam.
- Player of Fed Cup for 10 years.
- Highest WTA 180 in singles.
- Highest WTA 130 in doubles.
- Winner of many singles & doubles tournaments on WTA tour
- Writing blog Tennis with Sofia.
- 2007 — Present – Professional Tennis Player, WTA, ITF, Worldwide
- 2007 — October 2018 – Georgian Fed Cup Team, GTF, Tbilisi 2007
- October 2013 — Present – Bundesliga 2 Germany, TC Ludwigshafen Oppau, Ludwigshafen am Rhein
- October 2016 — Present – N1A France, CTC Chateauroux, Chateauroux
- 2007 – Present – Coaching Juniors in between travelling and playing on the tour. It included coaching Georgian children in the 13-16 age groups and also the younger 4-5 year olds.