Good morning Natalie Pennicotte-Collier. It is a pleasure to interview you today! Firstly, could you just introduce yourself for our readers?
Hello, sure I am a Talent MindCoach with my own practice in London & Kent, but also supporting Athletes globally by Skype. I am a Team GB clinical hypnotherapist but also support the Mental Wealth of Pupils, Professionals and in the workplace. What that means is that I am a change agent – helping unlock true potential …
Great, so your job title is Mindcoach? What does that actually mean and who is your target market?
Its often seen as curious! but I love explaining to people and athletes that I am a change agent. I guide you to your optimum performance state using Hypnotherapy/NLP & Mindfulness . We create your own Talent Lab as part of our relationship, unlocking true potential, both on and off court.
Being able to be emotionally intelligent – switch between your emotions and really dial in to how you are thinking therefore how you are behaving is a wonderful skill to have .. I am passionate about Mind & Body connection, supporting Youth Athletes for Team GB LTA, but also across other disciplines.
Are the tennis parents and coaches receptive to what you are trying to do with the future of tennis?
Very much so – Its well publicised that Hypnotherapists were used in the Olympics and so my role supporting wellbeing and how an athlete or CEO is able to manage stress and emotions is very relevant and as we understand the compelling evidence for Mindfulness and the brains plasticity, it is becoming very much in demand.
Its wonderful that I have been able to work with Performance Directors and they understand that Mental Wealth and wellbeing is the missing link. I work across discipline sports, but Tennis is my personal passion. Most of you have read how Jo Konta has widely accredited her rise to working with her ‘Mindcoach’ Juan Coto whom sadly passed last year.
Hypnotherapy gets amazing results for stress and anxiety, and so being able to remain calm and focused both on and off court, when required makes a dramatic difference to the athletes wellbeing and performance. It is wonderful to be able to support and influence the next generation of tennis players.
Lets have an example of how you have helped a certain individual and how they have benefitted from your services?
That’s why I love what I do, I get to see the very real and positive changes unfold. There are many examples, but I guess to keep it relevant to your audience – it is seeing an athlete actually FEEL different and BELIEVE, and develop that MINDSET.
A quote by Novak Djokovic sums this up for me: “In order to win against Rafa or Roger, you have to believe… there is no other way.”
I had a young player last month whom although believed, simply felt overwhelmed for the first 5 minutes of his matches in front of a crowd. Teaching him how to start in his optimal calm state really helped him completely change his game.
For many being able to use Mindfulness to manage ‘Mindset through injury’, is proven that keeping a calm focused Mindset through Mindcoaching will speed up the injury and resulting performance post injury.
For some it is Mindcoaching the client to overcome a phobia of flying or coach travel, even the irrational fears once taken away can have a game changing impact. I am also known as the Exam Whisperer, so supporting athletes through education on top of their busy schedule can make all the difference to a season.
For many its learning the power of language and the breath and how best to leverage and master their thoughts and emotions very quickly to win and start strong.
The most powerful time is when a player begins to understand that a true champion is one that can overcome a loss and he/she will be able to process losing a point so much quicker and go on to win the match.
Are there many people out there with a similar passion for helping tennis players in the way you do?
I really hope so! I really want to make a difference and bring a holistic element into the game. I really focus on building a therapeutic alliance and rapport with my athletes so that we can really shape perspective and drive results in partnership with the technical and S&C coaches. Its very much about harmony, Mind & Body for best performance unlocking true potential.
I would love to see more at a grass roots level and not just for the elites game in tennis. However the wider TeamGB camp is very progressive and its wonderful to be a part of that.
There are three factors that influence our sporting ability; our fitness, our technical skills and our mental skills. Although many sports performers will spend a lot of their time on their fitness and technical skills, the mental side of the game is often neglected.
And yet it is amazing how good we can be at using our minds to work against us. Even before we start an activity, we can often find a number of reasons for failure – doubt, bad weather, lack of practice, tiredness, anxiety, stress – and find ourselves living up (or ‘down’) to our expectations. As a result, we can form limiting beliefs about ourselves which leave us expecting failure rather than success.
Finally, do you have a message for our readers out there, maybe there are parents, coaches or players who need your services but don’t know it yet?
I would love to share Insight and work with any Clubs, and / or athletes who are curious. I regularly give speeches in schools, as I firmly believe these MindSkills are relevant for the next generation and everyone not just for athletes.
Mindset, particularly in tennis is such an integral part of the game, and I just wish more time and attention was given to young players to really develop and become empowered. Being given access to a MindCoach from an earlier age would help each individual. I am hoping to launch a Global Vlog and would welcome any interest from parents or coaches globally. I am very happy to consult and share my insight and learnings.
Please do get in touch
Natalie – hello@mindtonictherapy.com – id be very happy to chat or Skype.
Please also see my Social Tennis Page – https://www.sportsprosconnect.com/mindcoach/ which links directly to my full website.