Order! Order! How chronological and biomechanical order relate to efficient and effective technique
Maybe you’ve heard the Speaker of the House of Commons, the man who maintains discipline and order during parliamentary debates at The Houses of Parliament in London, shout Order! Order! When the debate becomes rowdy!
I frequently find myself talking to coaches in our workshops, conferences and mentor sessions about exactly the same thing….Order…Order!
You see, coaching and developing efficient and effective technique is about chronological and biomechanical order. Let me explain by sharing two thoughts on logical order, observations on what is often common coaching practice, and two simple take-away teaching points or principles for you.
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Order! Order! Teaching principles at www.tennis247.co.uk
Chronological order:
a. The opponent hits the ball
b. The ball is in flight and the player starts to use receiving skills
c. The receiving player starts to move and prepare
d. The player prepares and then hits the ball
e. The ball leaves the player’s racket and the player recovers
That’s the chronological sequence of events in a rally. As a simple teaching principle, it’s therefore logical to look at the player in chronological order and to work on receiving skills before sending skills.
Biomechanical order:
Similar to the chronological order above, there is a natural biomechanical order for a player to develop efficient and effective technique too. Biomechanists work from the ground up, since our relationship with the ground is what allows us to move and to move fast.
So, look for the following order:
a. Eyes (receive the incoming ball first)
b. Feet (react to the incoming ball through a split step and sharp first step according to where the ball is going)
c. Shoulders (engage the upper body through what many call a ‘unit turn’, by rotating to initiate the racket take back)
d. Hands (take the racket back with the appropriate backswing)
That’s the simple biomechanical sequence for efficient technique. As a simple teaching principle, look at how players work the feet and the legs before looking at the racket preparation and to work on eyes, feet, shoulders, hands.
Remember, Order, Order!
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Thank you Mark. Another inspiring article from Mark Tennant of Inspire2Coach. Mark is a regular contributor to the sportsprosconnect.com blog, and we look forward to hearing more from him in March. Mark’s contact information can be find above, so please do not hesitate to reach out to him.
Mark Wylam (Owner sportsprosconnect.com)