Good morning Vivien Juhaszova, its good to have you here today… Firstly could you tell us a little about yourself?
Hello, I am 23 years old and a tennis player from Slovakia. Currently I am studying media communication in Trnava ,Slovakia. I love to travel and discover new places, and achieve new goals every day 🙂
So you are Slovakian… What was it like growing up playing tennis in Slovakia?
Yeah, it wasnt easy at all. I started with tennis at age 7, after my classmate invited me to her practice, and I decided to try it as well. Firstly i started with a borrowed racket. My dad decided to buy me one only after i started to like the game and work for being better every day.
Later when i was 11, I won a Slovak championship under 12 tournament, and from this time i was in the national team of Slovakia. I was practising in Czech Republic after my small home city and currently i practice in Empire Tennis Academy in Trnava, Slovakia.
Tell us about your coaching team. How many coaches do you have? How about sponsors, managers etc?
I have one coach in the Academy, who helps me with my preparation for tournaments.
I dont have any sponsors. They are so hard to get in my country, so mostly I travel to tournaments alone or with my friends.
What are your favourite drills and practise sessions? What would a typical day of training be like for Vivien Juhaszova?
I like to play points in practice, or play different games with points. I feel this motivates me to be better.
Typical day would be like this: Morning fitness, breakfast, practice after some rest and lunch. Afternoon practice, physio and in the evening I like to watch a good movie in the cinema. This would actually be my perfect day.
What are your loves and hobbies outside of tennis? If it wasn’t for tennis what would you be doing for a living?
My biggest love is my dog, and its also my best relaxation. I love shopping (like every girl 😀 ), and I am also interested in watching and making movies, and photography. This is the reason I study media communications at school.
If I were to quit tennis I would like to stay in the industry and be a tennis or fitness coach or manager, photographer 🙂
Is there anything in particular you would change in tennis? How would this impact the sport?
I have never really thought about that, but maybe i would take out the serve from tennis haha….
Maybe i would change the ball for a slowler ball with accidental jump, it would be fun i think 🙂
Finally with Roger Federer having a break over the clay court season, he is one of the favourites to win Wimbledon… What are your thoughts on Roger Federer?
Roger is for me the best icon of tennis. He is the king of tennis, he sets such a great example with his behaviour on and off court. He is like the father of family and a gentleman on court.
Thanks very much Vivien, the team at sportsprosconnect.com wish you the best for the rest of the year and beyond. We look forward to seeing you in Grand Slams in the future.