Within SportsProsConnect we are aware of the importance of innovating and constantly thinking of ways to add benefits for our members. Since the business has been going, updates and changes to products have been made on average every 6 months.
Due to the amount of networking we have been doing, we have been able to talk to some amazing sporting minds. These amazing minds have all helped with our ambition of helping to increase participation in sport. At the moment we are concentrating on tennis, however there is no reason why our platform cannot be developed for other sports. There have been several discussions about Pickleball, Padel and Golf in particular.
For now, I would just like to talk a bit about our latest innovation. About 5 weeks ago we went live with our product, service and event market place. From the time we came up with the idea to the time we went live was an extremely short period. In fact it was a period of only 10 weeks. This developed from a brainwave in the shower, to talking it through with some great tennis minds, to approaching potential clients, and then getting these clients signed up and finally creating the product. As you can imagine Christmas and the early new year were exciting but hectic times.
The fact that we attracted 40 new customers in such a small amount of time made us sure that this was the right move! So what exactly is it you may ask? We believe that tennis coaches are generally good at what they do on the court, but this is where their expertise lays. Marketing may not be a strong point and so we have come up with a platform for coaches and players to promote a product, service or event in a simple but informative way. This is a platform for entrepreneurs to sell a product or service they have created themselves without losing a huge cut on commissions.
Examples currently include Andy Dowsett’s System-9, Bill Patton’s range High School Coaching Books, Styrling Strother and Dan Travis’s ‘Competitive Intelligence’ online course, Billie Jean King’s Eye Coach, Tim Bainton and Jeremy Carl’s range of books, Play More Tennis App, CourtHarbor, multiBALL and much much more.
These are all fantastic products themselves and hopefully our market place will help them to sell many more products. We also feel there is a market for events to be promoted more on a global scale. More and more tournaments, coaching conferences, tennis holidays, tennis camps and coaching certifications are being attended by people all around the world.
Currently we have the WTCA Coaches Conference in Eastbourne, PTR Certification in Lebanon, Sanchez-Casal Tennis Camp in Cyprus, Tennis Holiday in Italy, a Junior Tournament in China and much more registered with us. Again, we charge an annual fee of €100 to promote your product, service or event on our directory and do not charge any commission rates.
All in all, we feel that 2019 will be our year. We will continue attracting top coaches and academies to our marketing platform and start promoting more and more innovative products, services and events to the world. SportsProsConnect will be looking to work with several major players in the global sports industry and continue serving our clients with high quality content from top athletes and coaches all over the world. We will also be looking to step into additional sports and prove that our platform can work for all sports on a global scale.
Please click the below links if you are interested in signing up your product, service or event. However, we do like the personal touch, so please do pick up the phone or send us an email if you have any questions at all!
Click here if you would like to register your product or service:
Click here if you would like to register your event:
Thanks for your time and reading about our most recent initiatives and as always, please do not hesitate to contact us via email on mark@sportsprosconnect.com or via Whatsapp on +353867922188.
Mark Wylam (Owner Sportsprosconnect.com)