
Membership Information

You have selected the Player Membership membership level.

Tennis Player Profile Application Form

Player Membership Application Form - €150 per year until you cease to become a member.

To apply for your Membership, please complete the following information in the form provided and 'Submit Your Application'.

The SPCF code has been applied to your order.

The price for membership is €80.00 per Year.

Account Information

Already have an account? Log in here

Additional Information

Please fill in the following information. When supplying your sport please list only one sport like this 'Tennis'. If you specialise in a variant of a sport such as Lawn Tennis please just list the main sport e.g. 'Tennis'.

E.g. https://sportsprosconnect.com/profiles/yourname

One word, lowercase, no spaces or punctuation.
Don't include the "https://sportsprosconnect.com/profiles/" part at the start.

If you are actively looking for work as a Coach tick the box above.

Choose Your Payment Method

Click below to see example pages we created for 2 of our ambassadors:

Why Purchase a Tennis Player Profile?

Simply put in brief we just want to broaden your horizons as to the reason we feel Tennis Player Profiles can benefit anybody whether playing Pro tour events or just simply aspiring to be a professional Tennis, Padel or Pickleball player.

  • Put your name out there to the sport that you love for potential sponsorship and endorsement deals
  • Apply for training camps around the world
  • Apply for Academy Scholarships through the SportsProsConnect Platform
  • Apply for College Scholarships to the US or other Country University Systems
  • Find yourself a great touring coach or team member to travel with you to tournaments
  • Find hitting partners or somebody you can team up with and travel with to reduce costs
  • Many more reasons…

In November 2022, Mark Wylam founder of SportsProsConnect wrote this article explaining the reasons and more benefits…