
Nandor Veres discusses Veres Tennis and the Science Behind the Florida Academy


Good morning Nandor Veres, its a pleasure to have you here…  Could you just tell our viewers more about your achievements in tennis and what you have been most proud of in your career?

Good Morning Mark, and thank you for this opportunity to speak with you.

I am very proud that our team was able to help many juniors and players to achieve their dreams! Their success is our achievement.

Looking back on my time spent in tennis, there are quite a few amazing mementos, one of them are a Davis Cup match, our academy player Peter Matyas Nagy (ATP, 620) faced Israelis Dudi Sela (78 ATP), at 2-2 Peter won the decisive- fifth match, in a five sets drama.

Another one is having one of our full time players  selected to participate in the Olympics.

So, you are currently based in Florida and have set up your own junior Academy with your son Nandor Veres Jr.  Tell us about it?

The Veres Tennis is a family owned, operated business, founded in 2000 with Maria (my wife) and Nandor JR., (my son). Each of us have our own tasks, role, specialties. Nandor JR. speciality is fitness – physical development, his knowledge in sports sciences, and exercise sciences is amazing.

Veres Tennis motto is: individual attention, quality training, we work in small group setting, We are out on the court, playing with our players every day, morning afternoon, 365 days a year.

We have high level of expertise in tennis and some other sports, hold multiple advanced degrees and fully incorporate science in or coaching method.

You are currently aiming to promote your Junior ITF Team to the World…  Why should an up and coming ITF Player join your program?

  •        If they are looking for individual coaching. We will train with the team personally each day 6-7 hrs., 5 days a week
  •        The training based on individual parameters such: physical, psychological, age, gender, skill set
  •        The fall semester is a preparation for Orange Bowl and three ITF tournaments
  •        We have been doing these kinds of programs for decades…
  •        This program is also available for ATP, ITF Pro level players in January – April

 There are thousands of tennis academies around the world!  What sets yours apart from the others?

  •        You get what you see…at Veres Tennis – you will be trained/coached by coaches Veres
  •        Veres Tennis has many decades of international level expertise and coaching experience
  •        Professional quality coaching, in a small team environment, giving individual attention
  •        We play in every day! – We believe in ‘Live balls’ – ‘feeding balls’ is on the very minimum
  •        We test our players: physical – performance level, tennis level, psychology.
  •        Based on the results we will put together individual trainings plan. We will follow up and re-evaluate how their systems         adapt.

Correct me if I am wrong but you have always specialized in junior players… Who are your tips to replace the top 3 in the world – Novak, Roger and Rafa when they retire?

Actually, I am specialized in assisting players in the ‘ transition phase’ from junior/starting pro, to pro level. To build a pro player besides of talent and luck,  takes many years of systematic coaching… So start early!

Next big star?

I feel the field is wide open; finally the next gen players are maturing. In a couple of years a few new will emerge and stabilize their position and the game is on.

And finally the US Open is just around the corner…  Who are your tips to win the Men’s and Women’s Championships?

Well…Djoko for the men’s… Women? – hard to tell, Serena should win if she does not get injured.

Thank you very much for taking the time to chat with me today Nandor.  If you would like to hear more about Nandor’s program and Academy you can visit his website Veres Tennis or contact him direct via email on nveresad@gmail.com or on Whatsapp +1 (561) 350 7040


August 16, 2019 Categories: Interviews