We released the newest addition to our platform this time last week (5th March 2021). It is called the Tennis Player Profile Classifieds Section. For the purpose of this article, we will refer to this as TPP Classifieds.
This is extremely innovative, and we feel there isn’t anything like it out there in the market place currently. Our aim is to ‘make tennis more accessible to high performance junior and professional tennis players‘.
It is a well known fact that thousands of tennis players have a huge amount of ability, but not the funding or resources to take their level any further in the game! Many rely on funding from their national governing body, sponsorships or even resources from their parents. The costs involved of becoming a professional tennis player are huge, and result in many being forced to give up the game they love for financial reasons.
There is not one solution out there to fix this, however we have created a platform for players to help ease their financial burdens.
What is a Tennis Player Profile?
Last February 2020, we launched our TPP Section. The aim at the time was to create a profile for a tennis player that would help them to achieve their goals. Most players who registered at the time were looking for some sort of sponsor who would help them with coaching, travelling to tournaments and much more.
This was proving successful as we attracted sponsors who were interested in our players. However as we all know COVID then hit. This effected our investors as they no longer had money they could spare. This also effected the tennis players as there was no travelling and no tournaments, and in most cases no tennis. Our TPP membership became static since there was no requirement for our players.
This is now changing, and tennis has now started up again in many places. Tournaments are starting up again, and fingers crossed the world is starting to come back to some sort of normality. So, at SportsProsConnect we feel that now is the time to launch our TPP Classifieds.
Below are some examples of our existing TPP members:
What is a Tennis Player Profile Classified?
A TPP Classified is a benefit that anybody involved in the tennis world can offer. Essentially it is a preferential rate offered exclusively to TPP Members for services offered.
Examples of Classified Advertisements include:
- Academies offering Scholarships
- Free / Discounted Training Camps
- Help with College Scholarships
- Discounted Online Coaching
- Access to top mentors in their field of expertise
- Free / Discounted Accommodation at Tournaments
- Coaches offering their services at tournaments
- Coaches for hire
- Much much more….
We are asking for anybody who can actively offer a benefit to a tennis player, wherever they are based to contact us. All that we ask is that you become a member of the SportsProsConnect platform. We have various membership options including coach, academy, product / service, event, travel agency. If you don’t fall into any of these categories, then please do contact us on WhatsApp +353867922188 or info@sportsprosconnect.com
Click here to post your own classified adverts:
Click here to see a list of all classified adverts:
Who would benefit from a Tennis Player Profile and how do I sign up / sign my player up or sign my son / daughter up?
We are looking for tennis players from all walks of life who are passionate about their game, and want to bring their game to the next level. We are looking for players who play competitively from the ages of 11 and above. Players that are playing ITF juniors, Tennis Europe, Ten Pro Events and international events including ITF, WTA, and ATP tournaments around the world will be prime candidates, as will professional athletes trying to make their next breakthroughs and goals.
We will have offers out there that are preferential to these players, and these offers are exclusive to TPP members. You will not be able to get the same offers on any other platform out there.
Once you or your players are members, we will contact you / them to set up a profile as in the above examples. They will then be included in our worldwide player search, and they will be able to actively apply for any of the benefits included on the classified ads page. Please remember for some of these benefits, the players will have to apply and write a convincing letter as to why they should be offered the opportunity.
Every benefit that is applied for is worth substantially more than the current annual fee of 70 Euros it costs to be a TPP member. This offer will be available for a limited time, so please take advantage now. Below is the direct registration link to become a TPP member.
Complete this application to become a TPP member now:
At the end of the day if you are reading this, am sure that you are aware of the difficulties of becoming a professional tennis player. As mentioned earlier, our aim is to ‘make tennis more accessible to performance tennis players of all ages’.
Although the platform allows for this, we can only help and do our part for the tennis world. Without all of you out there, none of these offers are possible so, within this article we are calling for two types of people:
a) Anybody out there who can offer a product, service, equipment, venues, at a preferential price to striving up and coming tennis players from all over the world.
b) Tennis players who would benefit from all of your generosity, and those that have talent and ability but not the financial means to progress.
For anybody that has any questions about this, myself Mark Wylam, and business partner Noel Walsh would be happy to answer any of your questions. I can be contacted via WhatsApp on +353867922188 or info@sportsprosconnect.com. Noel can be contacted on +353894599252 or npwebox@gmail.com
Thank you for you time and for reading this, and we hope this resonates with as many of you as possible involved in the tennis world and beyond!
Mark Wylam (Owner Sportsprosconnect.com)