We introduced a new phase of SportsProsConnect in October 2019, after a successful trial period from August to October. We started working on tennis coach recruitment and can now call ourselves an international tennis coaching jobs platform. We have successfully placed 41 coaches with moves internationally.
What makes us really proud is that we are unique, and really do all we can to connect our coaches with the right people. As well as connecting our coaches with jobs on our platform, we also connect the coaches through our social media network. Our first successful placement came through promoting a coach via LinkedIn. From this promotion our client was connected to 3 Country Club Directors in Florida, and eventually moved there within 3 months of being on the platform.
We are actually 40 days into a 50 day coach promotion where we aim to promote 1 coach per day for 50 days throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We still have 10 slots available to any tennis coach who wants to be part of our promotion. Here are the coaches we have promoted so far: https://sportsprosconnect.com/useful/coachpromotion/
It is important that our coaches and the employers know the process we use for tennis coach recruitment, so this article really explains how we work as a business!
A guide to Tennis Coach Recruitment using SPC for the coaches:
- Each coach that uses our services needs to become a member of SPC. Membership costs €110 per year and can be split into two payments of €55 every 6 months if you wish. To become a member you need to register using this link: https://sportsprosconnect.com/membership-account/membership-checkout/?level=1
- Once you are a member, we will send an email with the information we require to build you an online cv. This includes information such as photos, videos, cv / resume, testimonials, social media, and anything else that backs you up as a good candidate. We will put this all together and create your own online cv which you can use to promote yourself, or apply for any job on the platform or separate. Here is an example of an online cv we recently created: https://sportsprosconnect.com/charbelricha/
- Either before setting up your profile or afterwards we will speak with you on the phone to assess what type of role you are looking for. You could be looking for an academy role, a resort role, a short term contract, a long term contract or anything within. We will then work with you to achieve this. If there is a role on our platform that matches your requirements, we will encourage you to apply for this role. Our listing of jobs is situated here: https://sportsprosconnect.com/jobs/
- When applying for jobs we will encourage you to write a cover letter. The application is directed first of all to a team member at SPC. If we are happy enough that you are qualified for the role and also that your cover letter is efficient, we will then forward to the recruiter. We dont want to waste our clients time sending an application if you are too experienced or under experienced.
- If the recruiter is interested in your cover letter and online cv, he / she can choose to contact you to discuss the role further. They will arrange to speak via Zoom or Skype or some way they can. It is then their decision whether they take this further. If successful you will be sent a contract. Remember these are international opportunities. Make sure you are 100% satisfied with the terms you are offered. It is a big decision for you to re-locate. Here is what some of our coaches and employers think of the service we provide. https://sportsprosconnect.com/coach-directory/jobplacements/
A guide to Tennis Coach Recruitment using SPC for the Employers:
There are two pricing structures for an employer to register a job vacancy with SPC.
Firstly you could pay €70 as a one off payment for each job description. For this, we will add your job vacancy to our website and promote the vacancy over social media. Here is a direct link to register your job application now. https://sportsprosconnect.com/post-a-job/
Secondly you could pay an annual fee of €300 and be listed on the SPC website. This annual fee will include unlimited job vacancies throughout the year, where we will add these to our social media and website as above and you will also benefit from additional promotion throughout the year! Click this link to register yourselves as a ‘partner’ now. https://sportsprosconnect.com/membership-account/membership-checkout/?level=3
Once you have decided on the type of membership you require for your club, academy, or resort, we will do the following to assist you:
- Add your full job description to the website so that all our members can see the full job criteria. At this point if a coach is not a member, they will not be able to see any information about the vacancy or apply for the position.
- We will add limited information about your vacancy to our social media network over Facebook, LinkedIn, & Instagram. The social media posts will not include any information about your club, resort or academy to avoid coaches going direct to yourselves.
- Once a member applies for your role, the application will be sent to ourselves, who will have worked with the coach. We will be able to ascertain whether he / she will be suitable for the job. If the applicant is not qualified, for whatever reason we will not send the application through to you.
- If the applicant fits the criteria you are looking for in a coach, director etc we will either send on his / her application to you immediately or wait until the job is closed and send all applicants to you.
- In the application the coach will include their online cv which we will have created together and a covering letter at the minimum. They may also provide additional information to bolster their application. Click here to see what some of our clients think of our services: https://sportsprosconnect.com/coach-directory/jobplacements/
In Conclusion:
We are aware that it is tough out there with the COVID-19 pandemic happening all around, however there are places around the world that are starting to employ tennis coaches again. We are an international tennis coaching jobs platform and we provide a platform for tennis coaches to promote themselves and give themselves opportunities for jobs around the world.
We provide a personal service and work with the coach and the employer on a one to one basis. We feel that we are a unique service for tennis coaches and employers around the world. The coaches will have to work in the way that we want to get the best possible service available. If as a coach you are able to follow our lead, we can work together successfully, however one thing that we cannot do is guarantee anybody a job!
Thanks for reading and we hope to have many of you using our services shortly whether it be to find a job or whether you are looking to hire coaches!
If anybody has any questions, please feel free to reach out to us on info@sportsprosconnect.com or on WhatsApp on +353867922188. We look forward to helping you out!
Mark Wylam (Owner Sportsprosconnect.com)